The SLSA now has Real Life Affiliate Ads on the main page SurfSLSA.ORG

submitted by Kantbe Thursday

Those of you who watch the Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) forum have been seeing the discussions regarding activities for generating sources of income to fund the efforts of the SLSA, including tier payments for the Archipelago sim. As part of Sally LaSalle's ongoing efforts to support the SLSA, Sally recently announced the completion of advertising arrangements with a real life affiliate sponsor. Describing the arrangement in her recent SLSA forum post, Sally says,

"We are affiliates for the largest reseller of nearly every known name brand of real life schick surf wear and surf gear on the web."

The SLSA will receive 6% of any sale that originates by clicking the IslandSurf ad banner on the main SLSA web site. So if you are in the real life market for boardies, swimwear, rashies, sun glasses, sandals, you name it!!  - click the ad on the main site and go shopping, the prices are very competitive, and there is free shipping for many items.

Give all your friends this link as the launch point for Island Surf.

If you have a blog ... please back link to this article post url:-
and include plenty of terms like "surfwear surf equipment etc.. "

You can keep up with changes and announcements of the SLSA home page at and participate in the SLSA forum at


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