Mari's Mailbag: Never Stop Trying

submitted by Marianna Monentes

Well here it is ...I saw a guy surfing and thought hey this guy is pretty good. Started talking to him and learned he was new so I asked if he would like to be on our team. Arjuna Bombastic or Bomb whatever you call him, he loves the attention ..smiles. So anyway, the guy asks everyone to show him tips and within no time he is flipping and carving his way to first place. Saturday July 3, 2010, Juna came in first place at the Aussie Tai Competition (Australia Surf Association)!! I didn't make this competition so when he IM'd (instant messaged) he asks...."So did you hear the news?" "I came in first Mrs. Boss!!" To hear the excitement from Juna was the most incredible feeling. I asked him to come show me the trophy and asked if we could put it here at Boracay Islands...he agreed and in no time I was posing with him and his trophy.

I have to share this with you because it's an incredible feeling to see someone who trained so hard bring that trophy home!! For all of you trying to perfect your ride...I am here to tell you, it can be achieved. Never give up..ask everyone you meet for tips. In no time at all, you will be bringing your trophy home. Even if you don't, the experience you gain and the friends you meet, will last you a lifetime. Go for it!! You have nothing to lose.

Mari and Juna "da Bomb"


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Colleen Brennan said...

Great job Juna and Mari!

Jimbo said...

Come on now Mari, we know it had to be a sugar buzz from a slice of your world famous chocolate cake of yours that helped Juna to the top of the podium!

I can't agree more with you. The best way to learn to surf better is to not be shy about asking people questions. Then once you get better, never be shy about lending a new surfer a helping hand. I guess you could call that "the unwritten surfer's code".

I will always be greatfull to every person that took a moment to help me, that's why I will always take a moment to help someone as well.

Jimbo said...
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