Who's Dropping in at Surfwatch Headquarters???

Torley Linden makes a visit to SurfWatch Headquarters at Boracay Island.  How did he miss the staff meeting? 


Ohhhh, that's how....Torley, we keep the spare boardies in the bottom desk drawer...under the tequila...

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Kantbe Thursday said...

Looks to me like Torley has caught on with the SW staff work ethic. If he'd make it to the staff meeting, he'd know about the hammock out back... ;-)

Kekoa Arbizu said...

omg, he can surf!

Lissa Pinion said...

We have a hammock out back? dang it!

Kantbe Thursday said...

Yeah, but did you notice the helmet? I showed him my video of Desi at Sol Mananero and told him Colls gave me a surf'n helmet for trying those moves.

Actually, it's just Colleen's hair... it's kinda like wear'n a helmet. hehe

Colleen Brennan said...

I did love the helmet!