Surf for a Cure!

Last year Socks Clawtooth introduced the surf community to the Surf Relay and it was a HUGE success and so much fun. Well, we are doing it again! Riders for a Cure will be hosting this 12 hour event on July 10. Start time is 9 AM SL time til 9 PM SL time...or till the cows come home.

Quoted from Socks SW article of May 29,2009:
Surf for Life raised 39,844L for the American Cancer Society in DONATIONS on the route. To put this in perspective, it translates to $153.23 US funds in 12 hours of surfing in pure donations. In addition, the sims and riders donated to ride and host the torch, bringing the total raised to a little over 50,000L, over $190 US funds.

The goal is to meet or even better BEAT last years numbers!!!

If your sim, team, or group would like to participate, or if you would like to help out in any way, please contact Lissa Pinion to get on the roster. This is 12 hours of surfing, or riding anything for that matter, for a cure!

Until there is a cure, we ride!


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