Introducing: Ashleigh Dickins

This is SurfWatch's first in a series intended to reaquaint the newer members of the Second Life (SL) surfing community with the background and history of some of the long time members that are still active in the community.   It's easy to overlook the hard work, dedication and sacrifice of the members that laid the foundation, stuck with it and continue to support SL surfing thru the years, or to forget the many ways they have contributed to an activity that continues to flourish.  SurfWatch honors those members of the community and looks forward to sharing their background with readers.

Introducing:  Ashleigh Dickins

Ash's is a very familiar face in SL surfing.  Most of the newer surfers know her as a former SL Surfing Association (SLSA) Director, competition official, editor of SurfWatch In-World Edition, popular DJ, club owner and proprietor of Basics and bunny conniseur.  There are few of the "old timers" still around that can tell you that that Ash was involved in SL surfing as far back as the start several years ago, first as a member of Thor Bishop's team, Misfits, then becaming part of the team Radical Twang put together, Reaction.  Her enthusiasm, support and hard work eventually lead to her becoming captain of Reaction which she continues with to this day. 

In December 2007, Ashleigh was instrumental in putting together the "Triple Crown of Surfing", an ambitious series of competitions taking place over three consecutive weekends, even through some tumultuous personal challenges. Her efforts have always been towards promoting SL surfing and benefitting the surfing community.

Since that time, Ash has continued to support SL surfing by serving 2 terms as an SLSA Director and continuously as an SLSA Advisor, supporting the acting Board behind the scenes.  She continues to donate huge amounts of time to pulling together SL surfing competitions, working as a competition DJ, scoreboard, judge and head judge with all the associated responsibilities.  Ashleigh started with SurfWatch as a correspondent back in 2008 under Barchan Paderborn, founding editor, and worked her way up to editor of the quarterly In-World Edition in 2009 under the current Editor-in-Chief. 

"I think the majority of people are not aware of all of Ash's efforts - she seems to stay below the radar in most cases.  I personally can vouch for the blood, sweat and tears she extends towards supporting the surfing community.  We shared some overlap time in terms as SLSA Directors and, of course, we spend significant time working on SurfWatch projects.  If this is my chance to shine a spotlight on Ash, then let me mention the obstacles and heartbreak she's overcome, the challenges she's faced and worked thru, and the uncountable hours of hard work she's put in towards SL surfing" stated SurfWatch editor-in-chief, Tauri Tigerpaw.

According to Rad, "A lot of people always looked past her efforts, but she's always been one who will stand by what she believes in, help where ever she can, and try be there for everyone at any time.. and there's not many that are like that and will take the weight that she has carried on her shoulders."

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1 comment:

Jimbo said...

Wow, good to see articles like this! I have to admit I've heard of Ashleigh a long time ago, but only of recent through work at SurfWatch have I gotten to know her. She's not the type to toot her own horn so I'm glad someone did for her. Ash has done alot for many in the surfing community and the SW inworld issues really showcase her tallents. If you don't know Ash, make a point to do so. Give her a pat on the back (or a smack on the butt cheek if you prefer) and be sure to thank her for all the good things she has done!