Mari's Mailbag: Keeping it Real

I just recently faced an issue that tested my forgiveness and my trust in people. I came to realize that one must first learn to trust ourselves and follow our instincts. By doing so, I feel friendships were saved and trusts protected. All to often we rush to judgement and play the blame game. Its sometimes easier to blame others and not take responsibility for our own actions. I have noticed in Second Life (SL), this blame game can be lethal. Many people I have known have left SL because of the lack of trust. Trust is the very core of all we know to be what's real. Unfortunately there are those that don't take this as real.  They have fantasies and the reality is a figment of their imaginations. This is real, folks. Real people are behind the avatar. Real feelings. If you must create a fantasy to enjoy yourself, remember to never forget that the other players you include in your fantasy are very real. It's not just about you. It's about all that you include to be part of your journey in this life we call Second Life.

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