SurfWatch Hawwwwt Winner!

How hot is hawwwt?  SurfWatch is proud to announce the fabulous Jimbo the Cartboy, Hawtie No. 5, as our SurfWatch Hawwwt winner! 

Jimbo will be receiving all his prizes within the next several days and SurfWatch looks forward to presenting some additional pics of Jimbo looking hawwwwwwwwt!!!  Congratulations, Jimbo!



Anonymous said...

Congratz Jimbo!!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! Congrats my HAWTIE!!!!

Lissa Pinion said...

Congrats Jumbo! :-) *wonders if his prizes will arrive in a shopping cart?*

SurfWatch/Tauri Tigerpaw said...

hahahahaha - that's hilarious, Lis!!!

Jimbo said...

Wow!!! I must say I am privileged and honored to have been selected as Mr. Surfwatch Hawwwt!Congratulations to the other Hawwwt contestants as well! Thank you for this prestigious honor!