Real Estate - Goombah

AVAILABLE LAND as of 3/2/10
1/4 SIM is about 16000 sqm 937 prims - 30.00 USD a month in tiers or 8500L
Sayuni's (190, 177, 23)
Grand Strand (198, 193, 23)
1/3 sims is about 22000 sqm 1250 prims - 42.00 USD a month in tiers or 12000L
Fishermans Dream (66, 55, 21)
Somewhere between a 1/3 and a 1/2 sim ... 1562 prims, $48 USD or $14999L a month in tiers.
1/2 sim lot about 32000 sqm 1875 prims - 60.00 USD a month in tiers or 17000L
Sayuni's Bridge Bay Island, Sayuni's (52, 69, 22)
Mustang Sally's (237, 44, 22)
Mustang Sally's (66, 168, 22)
2/3 Sim is 20280 Lindens, 2500 prims 78.00 usd a month
3/4 Sim $90 USD or 10200L, 2812 Prims
WHOLE SIMS are about 65000 sqm 3750 prims - 120.00 USD a month in tiers or 33700L -
Beach Themed:
Isle of Danielle (155, 87, 21)
On Paying in Lindens:
Have a Tier Box placed or use the existing one
We have 36 sims connected by water canals for endless boating and draw bridges for the longest horse ride in Second Life.   Contact Danielle Idigo for more information.

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