SurfWatch wants to give a big hug and thanks to the following people for helping to make our 2 Year Anniversary Celebration such a unique event:
Emma Portilo for every detail of an extraordinary fashion event and our own Jimbo the Cart Boy for all his hard work, excitement and efforts in making this fashion event happen; as well as all the designers and models who contributed and participated;
Desne Aabye for courageously pulling together our first wild and wooly, anything goes, SurfWatch SL surfing competition and officials VW Sands, Marianna Monentes, Rayzza Rubble and rain Tigerfish; and the brave surfers who split first place seven times!
Bobbi Laval for her tireless efforts on the SL photo art display contest and the judges that assisted her and those that took the time to enter;
Mick Lunasea for hard work in sponsoring our surfboard art design contest and those that took the time to enter;
Heather Goodliffe for her time and participation in speaking at this event;
Singer/entertainer extraordinaire Tone Uriza for another amazing performance;
Comedienne Lauren Weyland for a hilarious good time;
DJs Ashleigh Dickins, Trance Moonites, Splash Kidd, Cladestino Milena, Tanya Sideways for keeping us rawking;
Leogarto Burt for his demo waves and board and all the vendors who took the time to set up a display booth;
Kelly Goombah and Dani Idigo of Goombah Estates for allowing us to have this event at Southend and for all their time and help and cooperation in putting this event together at 36 of the most beautiful sims in SL.
And as editor-in-chief, I personally would like to thank our staff that have spent considerable time and effort towards the success of this event:
Marianna Monentes - Event Director who graciously worked on this event and whose enthusiasm, efforts and energy kept it on track;
Ashleigh Dickins - Editor, In World Edition, who juggled SLSA Director duties, put together the 4th volume of SurfWatch In World, opened Bella's Cafe; and DJ'd at the event and made it look like a piece of cake;
Barchan Paderborn - Founding Editor, for his support in so many ways towards making this event possible and for creating SurfWatch;
Countess Decosta and Moontan Valeeva, Official SurfWatch merchandisers, for their hard work and creative talents and bringing ideas to virtual reality;
and Col Brennan, Rhett McMahn and Noie Jinx for supporting the event and always being there to help!
And we especially want to thank the members of the surfing community for your support and readership! Stay tuned for pictures from the event, a reprint of Heather GoodLiffe's presentation, a follow up on our contest winners, and more!
Thank You!!!

And of course, Tauri Tigerpaw. For everything she does, EVERY DAY, to make SurfWatch a special place for all of us to come together, as friends, family, and community. For Tauri, a great big THANK YOU!!!!!!
over 12hrs of partying!dont know how you guys did it.Tauri showed she can party,after all that tequila she was still standing at the end!
congrats guys great job!
My hat is off to all who made this event happen. It was amazing. I have never seen a party go all day like that without a lull. It was non-stop and SurfWatch deserves it because it has been non-stop my favorite blog since Barch's first issue.
This is the way the surfing community in SL should be all the time. Everything was so positive and everyone just had fun.
What a great line-up of entertainment,surfing fun, and the fashion show... left me drooling and wishing I won the Linden Lottery.
Getting to hear from Barch and Heather, what a pleasure... made me pause to think how different SL would be for me if not for the creative genius of each of them. I probably would not atill be in SL. I think this may be true for a lot of people. The Lindens should give each of them a cut of the big L's they rake in from all of us who love love these people's work.
Thank you Heather, Barch, and SurfWatch for making the world a whole lot better. Most especially, thank you Tauri. I can't think of another person who does so much on all sorts of hidden levels to make the community a better place. Can't forget about Mari either... when it comes to getting all the details right I have never seen her fail. Thank you all for a great day. I hope I live as long as Grandma Barnside so I can come back for the 50th anniversary!
I also want to thank everyone involved and would also love to thank the surf community for always being there for SurfWatch...but most importantly need to thank Barc for SurfWatch!! It brings us so much!! The biggest thank though goes to Tauri Tigerpaw! She spent countless hours making sure I personally stayed on track...smiles. It was Tauri whose insight envisioned this event...I really want to say thank you Tauri!!
FANTASTIC event yesterday!
Hats off to the organising team. 12 hours of non-stop partying and surfing fun! Who could ask for more?!
Big thanks for everyone who's supported SurfWatch over the past two years! If you're not specifically mentioned, it doesn't mean that you're forgotten!
Tauri IS awesome and never ceases to surprise me. However, I nearly fell off my surfboard when I heard Marianna had VOLUNTEERED to organise our 12-hour anniversary event! Now I understand that she must have known exactly what she was doing! Lucky for us!
Great to see everyone on Saturday! We really saw the SL surfing community at its best! See you all again soon!
Wow!! I have seen some amazing events in SL from one day bike rallies, to the multi-day Surfing Community Relay for life, to the week long Linden celebrations. But nothing... I swear nothing was more fun then yesterday!!! Wow!
Tauri Tigerpaw. Wow! You are the wildest party chick I have ever worked for. Brachan, it was a great day for SurfWatch and all of it's fans. Thanks for bringing this idea to mind and letting us play in your world.
To SurfWatch readers everywhere, thanks for all your kind IM's and comments you leave and even when they are not to kind but constructive, thank you too.
To the event team? Wow! Wow! Wow! Thank you for the great memories.
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