Love for some special peeps in my Second Life...

The past two Valentine's Days in Second Life (SL), I've sent individual Valentines to those people that have been special to me.  This year, there are so many of you, I'm afraid I will inadvertently miss someone.  You are breathtakingly creative; courageous and fearless; warm and strong and accepting and supportive. I admire you, lean on you for support, turn to you for advice, send you kisses and hugs, laugh til we cry and cry til we laugh.

Many of you I've known for years and some of you I'm just beginning to discover, but all of you have brought something so unique to my experience.  I cherish the gift of knowing you, and I thank you for your kindness.  Happy Valentine's Day!


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1 comment:

Kekoa Arbizu said...

You're too sweet Tauri...hugzz