Channel Surfing with Jimbo the Cart Boy


Hey Fellow Surfers, I was rummaging around in my movie collection the other day and happen to come across one of my all time favorite movies… Point Break staring Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze.

OK, so let me give it to you in a nut shell… Hot shot FBI agent Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) teams up with crusty over the hill LA cop to catch elusive bank robbers led by thrill seeking surfer Bohdi (Patrick Swayze ) who robs banks for pizza and sex wax money dressed in x-president mask disguises. While undercover, Johnny gets surf lessons plus a whole lot more from Bohdi’s old girlfriend. Johnny gets in good with the local surf boys, learns to surf, skydive, and party hard with the locals. Johnny eventually becomes torn and has to make an important decision; either to uphold the law as an FBI agent, or hang out and party with his surf buddies and get into all sorts of trouble.

Have a look at the official movie trailer –

The movie has lots of great action, and some very entertaining and memorable movie quotes, and plenty of good eye candy, especially for all you lady surfers. So if your looking for the “ultimate rush” or “100% pure adrenalin”, give Point Break a look.

Did you know??? Patrick Swayze did most of the surfing scenes himself without a stunt double and even cracked 4 ribs during the filming of the movie.

Would love to hear some of your thoughts about the Point Break, please leave a comment.

Till next time, SURF SAFE!

Jimbo The Cart Boy

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Syx Toshi said...

I love this movie, not that its the best movie ever made but it's a fun movie to watch. To keep the fun going you should watch Hot Fuzz right after this. You may not think these two movies go together but watch and you'll get it, very funny.

Anonymous said...

Woot! You're an official blogger now! Way to go.