Editorial by Socks Clawtooth

by Socks Clawtooth, SW Sr. Furry Corrrespondent, 2009 Last Recipient of Thor Bishop Award

I keep trying to write, and re-write this into a shorter article. I understand that for a web blog, anything more than five paragraphs and people start seeing "chicken chicken chicken"* and not reading what's written anymore. That being said, I'm also trying to fit a gallon of information into a pint bottle, and that doesn't work either. So I figured I may as well cut to the bone.

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) has some major issues that nobody feels comfortable talking about. The "Montego" comp was a culmination of the problems, and I forfeited from the event. Why? Abusive Instant Messages (IM's) from SLSA staff, threats, open chat comments made by judges and staff, and rules that were changed mid-event. And all of this stemmed from a "suggestion" that was being treated as a "rule".

In the following weeks, SLSA staff members said some very nasty things to and about me in open forums, all of which continues to be unprofessional behavior. What they haven't mentioned is that I've refused the prize money, the trophy, and prize package from the SLSA because frankly, I'm ashamed to have been in the events when they treat their virtual athletes the way that they do. In the real world, protests would have been filed for most of the unsolicited comments made by the staffers at the event, and people would have been fined and fired. That's not going to happen here, as the main antagonists of the verbal abuse are also the Board members of the association. This is why I walked. I had enough of the snipes, the comments, the threats and the guilt trips from the Board of Directors.

With each re-write of this editorial, I'm asked to come up with solutions. The solutions are simple, but will not be done. A separation needs to happen between the Board of Directors, the marshalling staff, and the riders. If you do one, you do not do another. The Board needs to comprehend that they speak on behalf of hundreds of surfers, and even if they think they're "joking", they speak for the Board of Directors. Rules need to be published weeks ahead of time and not changed mid-event. If something is not a rule and is a suggestion, it is not to be enforced as a rule. Most of the problems from Montego stemmed from this simple thing spiraling out of control, and the inability to answer one yes or no question about it.

Most of all, a decision needs to be made and made soon. Is SLSA surfing a sport or just for fun? With money on the line, people stating that they hate specific riders and hope they fail, people sabotaging events socially or by griefing techniques, it's hard to think the latter anymore.

* For explanation of this, see video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL_-1d9OSdk

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Schrottvogel Wei said...


DOXX DRYKE said...


If you want to do this for get rich, start a surfboard company LMAO


DOXX DRYKE said...


"the winner is the one with the brightest smile on it's face!"

and that is why everybody should ride and compete: for a huge smile in the face !

ride on.

Sebastian Saramago said...

I don't often get involved in the politics of things unless I ma dragged by the teeth into it. For obvious reason I try to say neutral.

That said, if some one has an honest, founded concern or has been hurt, than that person should have the opportunity within the community to be herd.

More importantly, be shown a measure of respect. Even if you may not agree, or in fact could not disagree more, we are in fact a community. All of us have our opinions.

Its only a matter of time when you will be in a situation that challenges your mellow mood, and does in fact hit a nerve within you that makes you question your involvement in events and the people who run them.

Peace, love and “just be happy” is a great way to live. But not the point that we alienate and attempt to suppress or belittle the opinions of others. -Seb

Abel Halderman said...

"Shut up and ride" is good. Yet, if there is something that is killing you inside, and that means you care, you should say it loud. Maybe if someone hears it, it will make the it all better? On the other hand, I feel like I have to ask: is that a SW editorial really?

Anonymous said...

Wow.....the horror.
~ Nash