SLSA Hands Down Second DA in as many Seasons

by Rhett McMahn, Special Correspondent

For a second time in two seasons, the SLSA has had to discipline their own. According to the SLSA Forum website ( "A committee composed of the event day officials for the Analog Surf Perfect Waves HoF Challenge held on November 14th was convened to hear multiple complaints against Kristoffer Juneau."

Juneau was sited with several charges including: "(Juneau) knowingly interfered with official SLSA equipment on the competition sim, displayed verbal abuse to the Security Officer including contempt, derision, disrespect, argumentation and insult."

The posting stated that the Committee voted unanimously to disqualify Juneau from the Archipelago competition and that the Head Judge of that competition would recalculate the event's final standings. Due to the severity of the incident the committee also deferred decision to the SLSA Board of Directors that Juneau be suspended from the SLSA for a period of between 6 to 12 months.

The Board voted unanimously that Kristoffer Juneau be suspended from the SLSA for a period of 12 months. The posting was specific to the parts of said action. "This will entail removal from the group and the forum, all associated rights, and exclusion from event and spectator sims for the duration of the suspension."

In the posting the SLSA also stated "The Board reminds all competitors and visitors to surfing competitions, that manipulation in any form of any equipment on the competition sim (other than by designated event staff in the course of their responsibilities) is strictly forbidden in order to ensure a fair event where no competitor is disadvantaged either deliberately or accidentally."
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Soul Wave - The Movie

AKProductions founded by SL film producer, Aeryn Kidd, is in heavy production mode on his current project, Soul Wave. 

This AKProductions original SL surfing movie stars newcomer/old timer Duffy Topaz.  Other local surf stars include Robin Mapp, Yendor Destiny, and Mick Lunasea.  

Scenes are currently being shot at various SL locations including Chi and Bluesky Dreams.  SurfWatch will follow the progress of this project and keep readers posted!
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PCX Tandem Competition results

scores courtesy Abel Halderman, photos courtesy Cloudy Matova

Winners of the PCX Tandem competition held Saturday, November 28, 2009:


First place:   Triston Mayo - Sexyboy Oh 15.66
Second place:   Abel Halderman - Snapple Sneerwell 15.16
Third place:  Sunrize Mornington - Maldrul Morris 15.00
Aurora Jacks - Sassy1 Fizzle 14.66


Desirae Beaumont - Sally LaSalle 11.16
Crusader Arado - Colleen Brennan 13.00
Rayzza Rubble - Desne Aabye 12.33

Sunrize Mornington - Maldrul Morris 14.33
Aurora Jacks - Sassy1 Fizzle 15.50
Mick Lunasea - Revy Benoir 13.66

Triston Mayo - Sexyboy Oh 13.33
Abel Halderman - Snapple Sneerwell 13.66
Ashleigh Dickins - Rain Tigerfish 11.83

Crusader Arado - Colleen Brennan 13.33
Sunrize Mornington - Maldrul Morris 15.66
Abel Halderman - Snapple Sneerwell 14.83

Aurora Jacks - Sassy1 Fizzle 15.66
Rayzza Rubble - Desne Aabye 14.83
Triston Mayo - Sexyboy Oh 15.83
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Announcements IV


Gia's New Line

From bikinis to boardies to bikini waxes...also custom board texturing and tattoo work to order.  Contact GiavannaMarie Melody in world for more information.

Just in Time for Christmas...

Looking for that special gift for those special people on your list? 

Check out Leogarto Burt's shop on Crab Island (150, 213, 21). 

From watches to waves to helicopters and many items in between, you can find something for everyone on your list! 

And take a shopping break to surf his newest Teahupoo wave.   Now at Crab Island!

Rebel Surf Co

Fun, vibrant, cute and sexy bikinis! Bright, cool and sporty board shorts! T-shirts and lots more! New designs weekly (always tattoo friendly)!  Now with two locations:  Rebel Surf Co Mainstore at Whistling Cay (212, 212, 22) where you can enjoy shopping, parachuting, and you can surf an epic wave right off the front step at Rebel Surf Beach and Rebel Surf Co at Costa Rica Sims, Las Baulas (198, 77, 23).  Contact Emilyn Knoller for more information.

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PCX Tandem Challenge Heat Draw

PCX Tandem Challenge - Saturday, November 28, 2009


When: November 28 2009, 12:00 noon SLT
Where: Tsunami Beach (235, 124, 21)
Competition beach (access to the beach will be limited to competitors only at the time of the competition)
Stands PCX Tandem Challenge Spectators (Freeport 27, 149, 73)
Wave type: Sunset
Surfboards type: shortboard & longboard, 5.1, 5.2 and 6.4, Heather Goodliffe and Sebastian Saramago made.

In preliminary and semi finals - each team 3 waves
In final round - each team 4 wave
Head Judge - Rianne McCullough
Judge - Wilfrid DeCuir
Judge - Aeryn Kidd
Marshall - Cloudy Matova
EC -Crusader Arado, Abel Halderman
DJ - Beau Barzane

Desirae Beaumont - Sally LaSalle (RED)
CrusaderArado - Colleen Brennan (BLUE)
Rayzza Rubble - Desne Aabye (GREEN)

Sunrize Mornington - Maldrul Morris (RED)
Aurora Jacks - Sassy1 Fizzle (BLUE)
Mick Lunasea - Revy Benoir (GREEN)

Triston "Nasty" Mayo - Sexyboy Oh (RED)
Abel Halderman - Snapple Sneerwell (BLUE)
Willy Sabretooth - Rain Tigerfish (GREEN)
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Director Nominee - Kimmy Jigsaw

SLSA Director candidate, Kimmy Jigsaw, was not able to return the questionaire to SurfWatch due to real life issues in time for posting in accordance with SurfWatch's deadline.  Kimmy expressed that she is able to answer any questions people may have on her views and background via IM or email.
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Mari's Mailbag - Real Life (RL) Schedules

Putting family or work on hold while you compete in an Second Life (SL) surfing competition is often not an easy decision. Many SL surfers have busy RL schedules that simply go on hold once they begin competing. Practice and events usually slowly take over one's recreation time, time that is usually set aside for family . Deciding if family and work can take a backseat is something most competing surfers struggle with above all else. With small children in one's life, it's almost impossible to compete. The needs of your family should come first. Business, too, cannot wait. Let's face it - RL sometimes makes competing just impossible. Even if you cannot devote your time to all events you should at least try when you can. Then one day when you have more time, you will at least know what's expected. The friends and experience you gain from competing will forever be with you and that support is priceless.

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Director Nominee - GiavannaMarie Melody

SurfWatch is conducting interviews with the December 1, 2009, Director nominees to provide voters with an in-depth look at their candidates. All candidates have been provided with the same questionaire and an opportunity to present their views. The interviews will be posted daily in the order in which they were received. Following is SurfWatch's interview with prospective Director, GiavannaMarie Melody..

SW: What is your current SLSA ranking, if any, and how long you've been SL surfing. Any RL surfing experience?
GM:  I am currently ranked 9th after the Perfect Waves competition. This is my first full season. I started surfing last season at JJ Lanes. I grew up in RL along the beaches of New York \ New Jersey shores. Been around surfing all my life.

SW: We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What would you bring as a director and why are you running?
GW:  I am bringing a fresh new perspective. I am known as someone who listens. I will take feedback in stride. People who know me also know that I am very dedicated to what I do. I put 100% effort out. I also bring very good organizational skills to the table.

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see?
GW:  I think that we should have more training for judges. Try to get more people interested in judging. I also feel that we should take the new surfers who join SLSA and give them training. Having an event without T20 riders, an event less intense, will help them feel the spirit of the events. It will also give them a sense of achievement.

SW: What do you see as the top issues and what would be your first priority?
GM:  The top issue for me, I feel for almost eveyone else right now, is the sense of community....having FUN again. We need to focus on the SLSA community first. What I would love to do is have social events on the SLSA home sim, build up the Hall of Fame, have some sort of contests like Miss SLSA or SLSA HUNK, best surfboard artwork, having a fun Surfjam, bringing a sense of camradarie back to the organization to build on the idea that we are ONE because without members we will cease to exist!

SW: Why should you be voted in rather than any of the other candidates?
GM:  I feel every one of the candidates are fully qualified. I wish we all could be on the Board. But I feel that I bring fresh new ideas to the organization. My hard work ethic, as well as dedication to success, is what I believe sets me apart.

SW: What were you most dissatisfied with as an SLSA member in the past season?
GM:  I am a pretty easygoing person . It is hard for me to be dissatisfied. I try to look at the silver lining in each issue. But if I have to pick a topic, I would focus on the lack of numbers riding in these events. It seams to me we have lost members compared to last season. Again, new members and retaining old to me is vital to the survival of SLSA.

SW: Any information we have not covered that you would like the voters to know about you and what you would bring to this office?
GM:  I have been co-captain of Reef Riders and have taken my responsibility serious. I want my voters to know that I will work for them. They are the ones who voted for me. I will fullfill my term to the fullest. I am always open for ideas and encourage communications from the community. I want to be their Voice amongst the other Directors.

SW:  Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2009 and possible issues moving into 2010 (issues listed below):

Competition board variables, i.e, length, shape, weight (mod boards):
We have seen this issue develope over this season, and it stemmed some from last season. I am all for innovation. But just like RL professional competitions in any major sport, regulations must be implemented. Ability is what should be judged, not who has the most pimped board idea. I feel this will be a major focus on the upcoming season, and I am fully prepared to take this chanllenge to find a happy medium for all.

How to get more officials to work the competitions:
This one is a tough one. I feel if we have smaller events that dont focus on the T20, then we can get experience judging and experienced surfers. I also feel that the T20 surfers are not willing to lose their rank. If we make some concession that rank won't suffer, we may get more help from the T20 riders.

The SLSA sim and how to fund it:
This fits into my idea of having events such as best surfboard art work and other events like it. If we open voting, we can charge 10L  per vote. This is just one idea. But if we take avantage of social events like this, we will be killing two birds with one stone: raising money for the sim as well as bringing the FUN back into the community!

Dealing with lag on competition sites:
WOW..LAG! Something we all dealt with more than once in our life as an SL surfer.  I think we continue to find ways to combat it, like sim resetting. We already use two seperate sims.  I thought about this once before, but wasnt sure if it would work. So here and let me attempt to explain: What if we had the judges sit on the edge of a 3rd sim. With the reduction of 3 avs and their scripts they need to lock on us, it may help reduce some of the lag. Again, this was only a thought I had.  I do feel that we have much more concerns, though, that need to be addressed first.

Dealing with wave/board tapping at events:
Ahhhhh...who hasnt been tapped during a comp.  Some of this is not always on purpose.  So many people want to see there friends ride and try to cam lock them. If we dedicate a spectator marshall, they can use highlight transparency to see if someone has been clicking onto boards/waves. Now we may not be able to stop everyone, but the marshall can give warnings to those in the stands. If they continue, they will be banned from the sim.

Ways to return SL competition surfing back to the fun and camaderie of earlier times:
Social..Social ...Social.... We need to have social events. Have a fun surf competition that we all vote on the winners, such as having best costume while surfing, funniest wave ride...can include prims gestures. This will lighten the mood and can be done in between competitions. Maholo!! and Grazie!
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Surfing 101 - Giving Thanks

Mick Lunasea is a long time surf instructor (editors note: See High on a Wave, SurfWatch March 17, 2009), former SLSA Director, and owner of Pacific Coast Hwy sims and SurfCrazy surf shops.   Mick will be periodically sharing his knowledge with the readers of SurfWatch. Look for more entries from Mick in the future!  Click on the PCH logo on the sponsor logo section to the right to link to the Pacific Coast Highway blog.

Thanksgiving is the time to reflect.  I try to forget Manhattan being bought for $22 USD from the Indians but thats another story (they're now being repaid a zillion fold via Indian casinos, btw). Time to give thanks and kudos to the Second Life unsung heros:  the builders, scripters, animators, and clothes designers.

These talented people provide what we know as Second Life. The magnificent avatars, garments, structures, terrain, clouds, rain, lightening, snow, trees, bushes, flowers, rocks, vehicles of all types and, of course, most importantly to us, waves and surfboards. It doesn't matter which brand of wave or surfboard you prefer - you're riding the vision, hopes and dreams of some very dedicated, gifted people.

I give thanks to all SL surfers despite the typical family squables (I wish Uncle Roy would bathe occasionally).  We all enjoy the most diverse, tightest community in Second Life. Never have I had the pleasure of personally knowing so many with a common goal - having fun!

I give thanks to Philip Linden and all the folks at Linden Labs. Without them, I'd never have had the opportunity to have met all of you and would be playing craps losing my ass in an Indian online casino :)

Happy Thanksgiving and GO SURFING!

On behalf of SurfWatch and all our staff, contributors and sponsors, have a wonderful, safe, warm, loving, peaceful and filling Thanksgiving!!!  Thank you for reading SurfWatch!
- Tauri Tigerpaw
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Director Nominee - Ashleigh Dickins

SurfWatch is conducting interviews with the December 1, 2009, Director nominees to provide voters with an in-depth look at their candidates. All candidates have been provided with the same questionaire and an opportunity to present their views. The interviews will be posted daily in the order in which they were received. Following is SurfWatch's interview with prospective Director, Ashleigh Dickins.*

SW: Give us your current SLSA ranking, if any, and how long you've been SL surfing. Any RL surfing experience?
AD: Currently I am ranked #41 on the season according to the latest post on forums. I've been surfing in SL since 2007, I think...maybe 2006. Sadly, no RL surfing experience though someday that may change!

SW: We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What would you bring as a director and why are you running?
AD: I have been director before, so I understand some of the challenges they face as well as the every day work needed to run the association. Of course, now they have their own sim and all so it'll still be somewhat challenging, but I'm hoping my prior experience will stand true and show that I can help keep things running smoothly for everyone as well as make progress towards providing the members with what they're requesting such as more indepth information, clearer rules and guidelines, and most importantly, more fun! Really that's why I'm running. It's no secret that when I first acted as director, the association was on the verge of breakdown with only two standing directors left until Sally LaSalle, Colleen Brennan and I came in. With the fresh blood and extra hands, we helped turn things around and got back on track. I think a lot of progress was made then, and still is being made, but with the progress comes a fresh set of problems and ,while there's not a lack of directors at this time, there is still rough seas out there, and I want to help smooth it out.

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see?
AD: Competition times have already somewhat been improved. I wish I could say I'd improve Second Life itself, but I don't have that power. So instead, I can see issues with arguing amongst members, rules being broken, questionable behavior, accusations against others of cheating. All that all needs vast improvement. Also, maybe some fun, non-points competitions, and trying out some different combinations of waves and boards. I'd also like to see the SLSA host more training sessions and with its trained persons, experiment with SL's physics and lag so that hopefully we know come competition day what is SL side and what is competitor side so that everyone gets fair runs.

SW: What do you see as the top issues and what would be your first priority?
AD: The top issues are the infighting and rules questioning going on. That's my first priority, to make for clearer guidelines and rules, so that everyone is on a fair playing field and to ensure that everyone is treated fairly. If you break a rule, there will be consequences. They may not be black and white, but everyone will get the same treatment of basically a disciplinary hearing.

SW: Why should you be voted in rather than any of the other candidates?
AD: For one, I have experience. I know what I'm getting into, I have ideas, I have a game plan. I know what's worked in the past, what hasn't, what's been discussed. I'm passionate about this organization. I have given literal blood, sweat and tears into this organization through the past few years and even seen how it affects my personal relationships. But I still come back for more. Maybe that makes me a masochist, but I just think it's because it means enough to me to fight for it.

SW: What were you most dissatisfied with as an SLSA member in the past season?
AD: To be honest, a couple of things. I think there have been times where officials have not listened to members on suggestions. Mostly a lack of enforcing standards. We've seen some people be wishy-washy, and I can't say why, but I know it's not right. Maybe they were showing favoritism, maybe they were just a push over, whatever the reasons or motives it's not fair to the membership as a whole for the directors not to make sure all officials are following guidelines. It sets a precedent for confusion.

SW: Any information we have not covered that you would like the voters to know about you and what you would bring to this office?
AD: I don't want to blow my own horn. I don't like to. I've answered the questions here about how I feel and what I'd bring. I've been a director in the past. If the voters want to know more about me, feel free to ask me questions. You can do it in comments, and I'll answer as best as I can. I'm completely accessable to the community, so go ahead and ask away, or talk to some of the people who worked with me on the first term.

SW: Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2009 and possible issues moving into 2010 (issues listed below):

Competition board variables, i.e, length, shape, weight (mod boards):
While I can appreciate wanting to use your own board, feeling it's lucky or faster or whatever. I think that one of the easiest ways to prevent people from being unfair would be to return to competition specific boards. I know many people don't care to have a bunch in their inventory, so I'm thinking perhaps a temp board rezzer that way everyone has a fair shake.

How to get more officials to work the competitions:
I think once competition kinks are worked out and things are treated more equally with everyone knowing what's expected, it will be more fun and it won't be as difficult to find people willing to work competitions, especially with the new format.

The SLSA sim and how to fund it:
I think this is a great idea. I'm a little worried considering the economy, but if donations and sponsorships and such can keep it floating, more to it. I also like the occasional benefit concerts thrown there and would like to see more events that are different from competitions, like the grand opening festival was fun, and maybe a flea market.

Dealing with lag on competition sites:
While there will always be some lag (thanks LL!), I think that competition sites need to be fully prepped well in advance of the competition. The week of the competition, the event coordinator should be corresponding with the sim owners to clear lag, clear clutter, running tests. As I like to call it... breaking the sim. The event coordinator knows worst scenario is the sim literally breaking, so how to prevent that comp day? Break it before. See how it happens, know the signs, and prevent it.

Dealing with wave/board tapping at events:
This one will require research and testing. While it shouldn't be tolerated, it's so difficult to catch sometimes. But something does need to be done about it. So this would be one of the things a small team would be put together to work on a solution for. People knowledgable in areas of build, scripting, etc. so that they can figure out how best to block it with the least impact on anyone

Ways to return SL competition surfing back to the fun and camaderie of earlier times:
Well really, I think once things have been smoothed out and all is fairly done, things are clear, then they will naturally return. If there's shown to be no reason to be tense or worried about it, then people will begin to relax. Also at that point, anyone who is there to thrive on drama or strictly to win at all costs and doesn't care about it will end up losing interest.

* Disclosure: Ashley Dickins is also an editor at SurfWatch.
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Director Nominee - Sally LaSalle

SurfWatch is conducting interviews with the December 1, 2009, Director nominees to provide voters with an in-depth look at their candidates. All candidates have been provided with the same questionaire and an opportunity to present their views. The interviews will be posted daily in the order in which they were received. Following is SurfWatch's interview with current and prospective Director, Sally LaSalle.

SW: Current SLSA ranking, if any, and how long you've been SL surfing. Any RL surfing experience?

SL:  I'm having fun in my first competitive season surfing, having spent years doing the behind the scenes and judging thing. I’m currently in seventh place and have really surprised myself but it’s all good fun :) I haven't done RL surfing, I have done both racing and wave jump windsurfing back in Australia.

SW: We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What would you bring as a director and why are you running?
SL:  I would bring 13 months of experience as an SLSA director to the job, but experience that has been improved by the last 5 months on the waves which I have enjoyed very much. I'm running for just one reason, I love the SLSA, our members, the sport, and the great happiness of watching people enjoy themselves out there surfing :)

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see?
SL:  I think the current board has done some brilliant work, getting our very own SIM up and running, some great socials and fund raisers, there has been heaps of training of new judges to add to the pool of event staff.

SW: What do you see as the top issues and what would be your first priority?
SL:  I think the top issue at the moment is that falling -outs can occur when there is doubt in members’ minds about rules. Our members should always know who to contact, how the group works, how to surf, what is allowed, and what isn’t and also why! To build harmony, we need to standardize, simplify and work together. Standardize by defining what SL surfing really is (when is a surfboard not a surfboard?)! Simplify by making the rules short and to the point. Work together with a director board that listens to a broad section of the members.

SW: Why should you be voted in rather than any of the other candidates?
SL:  All the candidates are running because they feel that they have something to give to the SLSA, and I totally agree with them, they all do. One thing is for sure no matter who wins I know we can count on all these candidates to help out! If I were lucky enough to be elected, I would devote my efforts to helping the board work together so that our individual strengths are put to good use and that we are always in touch with the members’ wishes and concerns.

SW:  What were you most dissatisfied with as an SLSA member in the past season?
SL:  It's not so much dissatisfaction as frustration. I was frustrated that we had to set up disciplinary hearings to address some unsportsmanlike conduct. I hope that members remember and value the rights of others to fun and enjoyment of our sport without resorting to petty personal attacks or ridicule to get their jollies.

SW: Any information we have not covered that you would like the voters to know about you and what you would bring to this office?
SL:  For those new voters that don’t know me, I have devoted a good part of my SLife to the SLSA without question the best surfing group in SL. I have in the past served as director from May 2008 to June 2009, As judge and head judge since the SLSA's foundation in 2007, owner designer and co-builder of the sim Chi, venue for the first competition, first shortboard comp, first windsurf comp and first fluffy only comp. An integral part of the "gang" back when camaraderie and stoke was the name of the game.

SW:  Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2009 and possible issues moving into 2010 (issues listed below):

Competition board variables, i.e., length, shape, weight (mod boards):
My thoughts on this are "standardized mods". That may seem strange, but my point is that we allow mod boards, but limit to what extent they can be modified with range limits for length, width, depth and weight. This would allow surfers to tune the board to match their size and computer needs. But at the same time placing limits on what’s allowable, the limits would make sure that we don’t end up surfing on Frisbees. I think the occasional one-design comp would also be a blast! :). An idea I had in this area was to ask SSi and other board makers to include a menu option which would read out the dimensions and weight of the board to chat. This would be an owner only menu option but could be requested by beach marshall when needed.

How to get more officials to work the competitions:
At the end of season one this year I suggested that we change the ranking system so that only your best 4 out of 5 results count toward your season. This would allow surfers to take one event "off" and give their time to work as an event official without giving up their ranking.

The SLSA sim and how to fund it:
The fund raisers we have been having have been brilliant and should go on, but regular steady income is also important. I think that programs like the Australian Surfing Association rental could be extended to other non-commercial groups. I think affiliate programs both second life and real life, could also help to trickle in regular income.

Dealing with lag on competition sites:
Lag has always been a problem, but I think we have had a bit of bad luck in the last couple of comps with Linden Labs either in the middle of or just having finished sim server upgrades. Another thing we are seeing though is the use of homestead sims as surf venues, I think it’s certain that we continue to use these but, if we do we need to follow guidelines like those in my "Lag 101" post in the forum and make sure everyone helps reduce lag. One Idea I came up with recently which we are going to put to SSi (Heather and Seb) Is to introduce a remote trigger to rez compeition waves as soon as the judges are ready. This will not only save time (about an hour for competitions) but will ensure thee is only ever one set of pipes rezzed ont he surf sim at one time ensuring minimum lag for each surfer.

Dealing with wave/board tapping at events:
This reminds me a lot of the computer virus problem. As soon as an antivirus program stops all the known threats, along comes some hacker with a way to get around it. There are currently some viewers which allow you to see who is edit clicking (tapping) on what. I think this is probably the only practical way to go, but perhaps building a viewer or having one built specially for event officials that provide the information we need, quickly and instantly.

Ways to return SL competition surfing back to the fun and camaraderie of earlier times:
How about, two names are drawn at random from people at the spectator site and they have to hug each other in spite of which team they stand for :) It’s hard to be angry at someone when you cuddle them and it might just bring some smiles and laughs back :)
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Pacific Coast Xtreme - Tandem Challenge

Pacific Coast Xtreme - Tandem Challenge

Saturday, Nov 28 2009, begin at 12 noon SLT
Where: Tsunami Beach
Wave type: Sunset 200
Board Type: Only Heather Goodliffe & Sebastian Saramago (SSi) surfboards will be authorized. One rider on a longboard, one on a shortboard. Scripts allowed: 5.1, 5.2, 6.4.

Two surfers will simultaneously enter a wave from opposite ends. Long boards will enter from the standard right side of the wave and short boards from the left. It is therefore imperative that any surfer needing to communicate should shout their message, not just say it. (On all cases do not forget to turn off chat before your turn) Surfers will receive standard heat information at the Marshalls area on the beach prior to heading out to the lineup, so all surfers can hear and ask questions, no shouting required.

Please find yoursef a partner for this competition, and decide who will ride a shortboard and who a longboard.

Surfers will be scored by the judges by your individual performance as well as for you tandem performance.

Register at:

Your contacts are:
Abel Halderman
Crusader Arado
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Director Nominee - Syx Toshi

SurfWatch is conducting interviews with the December 1, 2009, Director nominees to provide voters with an in-depth look at their candidates. All candidates have been provided with the same questionaire and an opportunity to present their views. The interviews will be posted daily in the order in which they were received. Following is SurfWatch's interview with prospective Director, Syx Toshi.*

SW: Would you give us your current SLSA ranking, if any, and how long you've been SL surfing. Any RL surfing experience?
ST:  First, let me thank you for the opportunity for people to get to know me a little. I don’t surf competitively in SL, but I have attended competitions and seen firsthand the excitement of the competitors. As far as real life surfing, yes, I do, every chance I get. I love my long boards and surf primarily on the east coast of the US.

SW: We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What would you bring as a director and why are you running?
ST:  I became a member of SLSA shortly after arriving in SL and have really been impressed by the organization. My hope is that if I were to be elected, I would bring my RL experience in management and organization to whatever role I would be given. I also have real world experience in dispute resolution. To be honest, I have thought about running before, but was convinced when a friend suggested it. I would like to see the organization be more inclusive. I have friendships across the surfing lines, and I think that it could be beneficial for the SLSA to work with other organizations. It’s no different from RL sports - the SLSA could work with smaller groups or organizations to act as a feeder into the “majors”.

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see?
ST:  In my opinion, I see membership as an area of improvement. The SLSA is one of the most organized groups in SL and the membership should be far greater. This is a really good organization, every group has their ups and downs, and for the most part, previous directors, advisors and members have done a great job keeping the organization together.  But I have about half as many members in my surf monkey group, and we’re just a beach. I don’t give anything away or have camping. I also think that the publicity, promotion and website could be more up to date. I know a lot of people think that this might be trivial in the wake of some of the more hot button issues of the last 6 months, but these are the things that get people interested on a daily basis. If there is a lot going on, people want to see it, and it generates excitement.  Any group SL or RL is only as good as its new members.

SW: What do you see as the top issues and what would be your first priority?
ST:  The top issue in my estimation would be forming or partnering with a group that would host amateur surf competitions. I can’t tell you how many people would like to get out there and be involved in a competition but are very intimidated. One of the great things about the group is there’s lots of camaraderie, but it can also be a little scary for those new to SL and or Surfing.  My first priority would be to fit into any role that would be asked. I have a lot of ideas just like anyone, but the group dynamic works at its most efficient when people work together.

SW: Why should you be voted in rather than any of the other candidates?
ST:  Well, thats a hard question. I know there will be great people running for the open director seats, and they all may have a lot closer ties to the everyday SLSA workings. So it might make sense to most people to have a well known name as a director, and I couldn’t argue.  But I am ready to serve the entire term, give my input on existing issues and ways to move into the future and bring whatever expertise I have to the group.

SW: What were you most dissatisfied with as an SLSA member in the past season?
ST:  I don’t think it would be fair of me to critique the job that former directors, competitors and or members have done in the past. I think when people really sit back and look at the group, it's been a really well run entity for quite a long time. (SL time of course)

SW: Any information we have not covered that you would like the voters to know about you and what you would bring to this office?
ST:  Well, I’m a Virgo, like long walks on the beach…..oops, sorry, that was for eHarmony. I think that my best trait is that I’m a problem solver. I understand what drives people in certain situations and would be very excited to serve as a director.

SW:  Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2009 and possible issues moving into 2010 (issues listed below):
ST:  Again, some people may think its not wanting to ruffle any feathers, but it wouldn’t be my place to criticize the hard work done. I think that a major goal for the directors would be to define and make as clear as possible the rules and requirements. This in itself is more difficult then it would appear. Translating one idea, let alone a concise and consistent directive, is very challenging.

Competition board variables, i.e, length, shape, weight (mod boards):
I would guess this is where I ruffle feathers; I think something has to be done to be more inclusive. This is one of the major barriers that separate surfing factions. I know it would be tough, but if there were a standard for performance and not a “this version by this creator”,  it would go a long way. I know just about every board creator and one thing they all have in common is that they work very hard to improve the surfing experience here in SL.

How to get more officials to work the competitions:
This would go back to my comments regarding attracting more members. The more members you have, the more participation you would have. It’s simple numbers. Additionally, I believe it also points to another comment regarding publicity and generating excitement.

The SLSA sim and how to fund it:
There is only one viable way to fund the sim and thats sponsorship. I’m not talking about an AD farm or a section with 100 shops. What should be done is to look at existing sponsors and offer a permanent (one season) ad placement on the sim. This could be creative, on a dock, the table tops of a bar, etc. We should also look outside traditional sponsors, for example, Tiki Tattoo.  Hatzfeld Runo builds the most amazing houses and accessories that are totally geared for the surfing community, and he’s an awesome guy. I could be wrong, and I’m sure I will be corrected, but I’ve never seen a Tiki Tattoo sponsorship. Now I have no doubt that I’m not a genius and someone has probably thought of this before, but these are examples of reaching outside the existing community. There are some great ideas out there; Surf Fest for one was very cool and Mick Lunasea and Revlon Benoir did an awesome job. Maybe there is a larger idea here that could be capitalized on to serve many needs.

Dealing with lag on competition sites:
Wow, another great question. I think the only real solution is sim design. I have hosted a few events in the past and have found that a design that keeps all unnecessary people, scripts, big hair and all other resource suckers off the surf sim to be a big help. The only other way is to push for development of waves that are less demanding on the sim. As people will see the new Teahupoo Wave and new Epic will be a little easier on sim resources. The advent of the sculpty wave has helped this, so I imagine that future innovations will take sim performance into account. As like any other product, consumer demand will drive the direction of development. The SLSA should be taking a leading role in providing input to the developers.

Dealing with wave/board tapping at events:
I would have to defer this to someone more knowledgeable then myself.

Ways to return SL competition surfing back to the fun and camaraderie of earlier times:
It’s always hard to go back to the “good old days” because no one ever remembers those days correctly. We all mythologize the past, but I think if you look at all the innovations and new people breaking on to the scene, its a pretty exciting time. Well never replace those who were cornerstones of the past, but I truly think by being more inclusive and attracting new people that “good new days” could be right around the corner.
Thanks again for this opportunity ,and if I could ask for the members to do one thing, that's vote!! Doesn’t matter who your pick is, just make sure it's a great turn out!

* Disclosure: Syx Toshi is also a special contributor to and sponsor of SurfWatch.
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Real Estate

This is a new series SurfWatch will be posting as a free courtesy to our readers listing real estate available.  The newest postings will always appear at the top of the list.  SW is not responsible for information that has changed since posting.

Norse Archipelago
as of 11/23/09

Kikeli at Norse Archipleago is available!
Homestead sim, 65, 536 sq.m./3750 prims
Tier 30,000L/mth
Just around the corner from the SLSA sim!
Whitewater kayak river available if you want it to stay!
Come check it out!  Norse Archiplago (33, 104, 23)
Contact Icy Fredriksson for more information!

Bounty Reef for Sale
as of 11/21/09

Homestead sim, 65,536 sq. m. / 3750 prims
Part of Coral Estates, very stable estate with excellent customer service
(Estate Owner: Kristaki Hudson)
Tier: $L8000 / week
Price: $5000 or best offer (tier paid through first week of November)
or cheaper to owner who will keep it as surf sim.
Contact Bobbi Laval

Peahi and Paia
as of 11/21/09

Island hut living at its finest.  See Peahi and Paia, SurfWatch 11/20/09 for details or contact Sean Azambuja.


Land Available
as of 10/12/09

Come live in a 36 sim complex connected by water canals for endless boating and draw bridges for the the longest horse trail riding in SL...a recreational sim set up for the enjoyment of residents and their friends in addition to a surfing beach in the process of major upgrades...Mermaid Cove - wonderful for scuba diving, and try playing submarine combat!

1/4 sims approx 16,000 sqm/937 prims - $30 USD/mth or 8,500L/mth tiers:
Dollyville (192, 65, 23)
Stables (65, 86, 23)
Woodstock Isle (174, 61, 24)

1/3 sims approx 22,000 sqm/1250 prims - $42 USD/mth or 12,000L/mth tiers:
Sleepy Isle (Pen Island, Sleepy Isle 85, 54, 21)
Hollywood BeachUSA (Sweet Paradise, Hollywood BeachUSA 82, 181, 22)
Brookes Meadow (47, 117, 24)

1/2 sims approx 32,000 sqm/1875 prims - $60 USD/mth or 17,000L/mth tiers:
Grand Strand (77, 139, 21)
Braveheart (80, 81, 21)

2/3 sim - 20,280L/2,500 prims - $78 USD/mth
Redwings (Serenity Island, Redwings 139, 94, 23)

Whole sims approx 65,000 sqm/3750 prims - $120 USD/mth or 33,700L/mth tiers:
Baby Creek (143, 147, 21)  Castle theme
Isle of Danielle (Isle of Paradise Dreams, Isle of Danielle 94, 163, 21)

Contact Kelly Goombah for more information.

Blues Island Shops and Residential for Rent  RATES REDUCED!!!
as of 10/26/09

5740L/mth for 820 prims and 3584 sqm (3 available)
3280L/mth for 468 prims and 2048 sqm (2 available)
819L/mth for 117 prims and 512 sqm (1 available)
13,200L/mth for 1874 prims and 1/2 homestead
Renovations are completed and shops are available to rent:
412L/wk for 150 prims  MARKED DOWN TO 263l/WK
275L/wk for 100 prims  MARKED DOWN TO 150L/WK

Courtyard available for every Blues Island resident to host events.  Future activities planned for business and traffic promotion.  Check out Blues Island for your business needs,

Contact Celestria Henley for more information.

Icy Archipelago Estate Land/Homes for Sale/Rent
as of 9/14/09:

Afanasyev - mainland - oceanfront protected
Afanasyev - Oceanfront #1 - 512 sq m for rent.  116 prims/348L wk.  Oceanfront protected flat sand island surrounded by water.  Afanasyev (102, 9, 21)
Afanasyev - Oceanfront #4 - 512 sq m for rent.  116/348L wk.  Oceanfront protected flat sand parcel. Afanasyev (47, 10, 24)
Afanasyev - Oceanfront #5 - 1280 sq m for rent.  291 prims/873L wk.  Oceanfront protected flat sand parcel Afanasyev (25, 24, 28)

James Isle Homes for Rent
James Isle Parcel #1:  300 prims/900L wk James Isle (40, 102, 24)
James Isle Parcel #2:  300 prims/900L wk James Isle (36, 37, 24)
James Isle Parcel #3:  300 prims/900L wk James Isle (65, 47, 24)
James Isle Parcel #4:  300 prims/900L wk James Isle (66, 109, 24)
James Isle Parcel #5:  60 prims/180L wk James Isle (104, 98, 24)
James Isle Parcel #6:  55 prims/165L wk James Isle (104, 77, 24)
James Isle Parcel #7:  82 prims/246L wk James Isle (104, 54, 24)
James Isle Parcel #8:  82 prims/246L wk James Isle (103, 25, 24)

Archipelago islet #1 for sale:  100L purchase price, weekly tier fee 1750L/821 prims Archipelago (52, 205, 22)
Archipelago islet #3 for sale:  100L purchase price, weekly tier fee 1750L/821 prims Archipelago (210, 62, 22)
Archipelago islet #4 for sale:  100L purchase price, weekly tier fee 1750L/821 prims Archipelago (207, 196, 23)

Homestead sim for sale - Dragonfly Archipelago
28,000L for a secluded homestead sim (3750 prims/65,536 sq m).  Purchase price includes first months's tiers.  Monthly tier:  28,000L
Dragonfly Archipelago (81, 107, 22)

Homestead sim for sale - Renegade Archipelago
28,000L for a homestead sim (3750 prims/65,536 sq m).  Purchase price includes first month's tiers.  Monthly tier:  28,000L
Renegade Archipelago (221, 120, 22)

Icy Mall, Milagros Isle, part of Icy Archipelago Estate
23 stores in a modern concrete and glass mall structure.  Store structure included in the rent but not counted in the prim count.  50 prims/115L wk.  75 prims/173L wk.  Additional prims available for rent.  Free standing stores also available.  600 prims/1380L wk.  300 prims/690L a week.  Milagros Isle (65, 125, 21)

Contact Icy Fredriksson for more information.
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Director Nominee - Marianna Monentes

SurfWatch is conducting interviews with the December 1, 2009, Director nominees to provide voters with an in-depth look at their candidates. All candidates have been provided with the same questionaire and an opportunity to present their views.  The interviews will be posted daily in the order in which they were received.  Following is SurfWatch's interview with prospective Director, Marianna Monentes.*

SW: Give us your current SLSA ranking, if any, and how long you've been SL surfing. Any RL surfing experience?
MM:  Current ranking is 50 from my last season of competitive surfing. Since coming to SL in 2007, I began and, yes, I have RL surfed in Pismo Beach, Ca.

SW: We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What would you bring as a director and why are you running?
MM:  I am bringing a listening "ear", someone the members can talk to and get unbiased advice without the opinions that sometimes happen when people "react"

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see?
MM:  We simply must do something to lift the morale of the SLSA members.

SW: What do you see as the top issues and what would be your first priority?
MM:  Mod Boards, raising funds for SLSA and mending hearts.

SW: Why should you be voted in rather than any of the other candidates?
MM:  I feel that the SLSA is in need of a good listener. One that can take the ideas and be a sounding board. I have always tried to listen to grievances to the best of my abilities, being someone you can come to with concerns. People need to feel they can be heard without being judged. I have had a couple of instances where I failed people in this regard, but I honestly tried.

SW: What were you most dissatisfied with as an SLSA member in the past season?
MM:  Well, this past season I was proud to be a member. Season 1, however, frankly crippled my spirit. We all know what happened (the DQ incident). SLSA officials need to take some control over reacting emotionally.

SW: Any information we have not covered that you would like the voters to know about you and what you would bring to this office?
MM:  I will bring a diplomatic, fair voice and ear to the SLSA. I listen before I react. As an official, I try never to react, being proactive, not reactive.

SW:  Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2009 and possible issues moving into 2010 (issues listed below):

Competition board variables, i.e, length, shape, weight (mod boards):
I personally feel mod boards are an unfair playing field to those who don't know how to mod boards. It needs to be fair. The beginner should have same as the veteran or there should be different class of events.

How to get more officials to work the competitions:
Getting officials to work could be on a rotation, using last names as the position they would work, alphabetically.  And since one issue is they lose standings when they officiate because they don't accumulate points, we could find a way to give a certain amount of points for officiating.

The SLSA sim and how to fund it:
The best way to fund is by what you have been It does take time to generate income at events though. Another way would be to make a unique item and sell it. Make it something cool like a very graphic board auto-pilot (smiles).

Dealing with lag on competition sites:
Oh, this is a tough one. The variables on each sim vary greatly. You are really doing the very best you can with the lag issue. Its a SL known issue, not a lot we can do.

Dealing with wave/board tapping at events:
The judge has to make the call on a redo for board/wave tapping based on the information they have. Too many do-overs and the comp will last too long and hustlers will misuse the system. If it's proven that tapping was done by someone witnessing a beacon or some other way, this should be dealt with by banning people from SLSA. The punishment should be really strict so people could see how serious this issue is.

Ways to return SL competition surfing back to the fun and camaderie of earlier times:
This will take a little time for people to forget the hurt they have seen and felt for two seasons. I feel that the SLSA officials not only owe it to the members, they simply must "ACT" like officials. Stop the name calling and cussing. We simply cannot allow officials to behave in this manner. I have seen this at events and in chat. It makes the members see its officials in a completely different light. Time to be a little more diplomatic.

*  Disclosure:  Marianna Monentes is also a staff member and sponsor of SurfWatch. 
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Surf Jam 13 Results!

The VSA held their 13th Surf Jam today, and we have the final scores!

First Place: Abel Halderman - 16.83
Second Place Tie: Kantbe Thursday - 16.66; Bodhi Lowtide - 16.66
Third Place: WickedV Carver - 15.83
Fourth Place: Bobbi Laval - 15.66

Congratulations to the winners!
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Surf Jam 13 Heat Lineup

Saturday, November 21, 2009, 11 AM SLT, Vibrations Surf Alliance (VSA) will host it's local surfing competition SurfJam, in its 13th run.  According to VW Sands, VSA founder, "The VSA Surf-Jam was created way back when to provide Vibes members their own contests in a relaxed and less "serious" environment, mainly for the benefit of new riders to get a taste of the comp scene before heading out to the SLSA events."

While Surf-Jam is for Vibrations members only and NOT an approved or sanctioned SLSA event, the rules of the competition adhere to SLSA rules and principles of "Fair Play".  Saturday's comp will be held on pipeline waves with crossing fluffs. Boards are open choice of ALL SSi boards, Action or HP (NO MOD BOARDS)

Pre-lims and semis will be 3 waves each and the top 2 waves will be totalled and averaged. Finals are 4 waves each. Scoring per SLSA rules, 0.5 - 10.00 at .5 incriments.  The top two (2) riders from each of the 4 pre-lims will advance to the semis and the top 2 riders from the semis to the final heat. Exact scoring ties send all 3 riders through.

Heat 1
1. Mick Lunasea ( BLACK )
2. Bodhi Lowtide ( BLUE )
3. Kim Henig ( GREEN )
4. Abel Halderman( ORANGE )
5. Cloudy Matova( PURPLE )
6. Silvia Warden ( RED )

Heat 2
1. WickedV Carver (BLACK )
2. Snapple Sneerwell ( BLUE )
3. Bobbi Laval (GREEN )
4. Colleen brennan( ORANGE )
5. MarkFoo Waverider ( PURPLE )
6. sassy1 fizzle ( RED )

Heat 3
1. sandipanimuni Haiku ( BLACK )
2. Rhett "MadDawg" McMahn ( BLUE )
3. Sally LaSalle ( GREEN )
4. Mariposa Bigboots ( ORANGE )
5. Sweetcajan Voom ( PURPLE )
6. GiavannaMarie Melody ( RED )

Heat 4
1. Desirae Beaumanont( BLACK )
2. Sunshine Zhangsun ( BLUE )
3. Robbin Ember ( GREEN )
4. Kantbe Thursday( ORANGE )
5. Angelle Aluveaux ( PURPLE )
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Australian Surf Association

photos courtesy Syx Toshi

Final Scores for the first Australian Surf Association competition at Monkey Cove:

1ST PLACE : Sally LaSalle  16.00000
2ND PLACE: Sassy1 Fizzle  15.50000
3RD PLACE: Crusader Arado 14.00000
4TH PLACE: Countess Decosta  13.50000
5TH PLACE: LilMario Lavend  3.500000

Scheduled to surf in the first competition of the Australian Surf Association held on Friday, November 20, 2009:

Heat 1:
Red: Rayzza Rubble
Blue: Countess Decosta
White: LilMario Lavendel

Heat 2:
Red: Velvetori Twine
Blue: Rhett McMahn
White:Sassy1 Fizzle

Heat 3
Red: GiavannaMarie Melody
Blue: Sally LaSalle
White: rain Tigerfish

Heat 4:
Red: Willy Sabretooth
Blue: Crusado Arado
White: Yendor Destiny
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Peahi and Paia

Please enjoy two classic surf sims, Paia Beach and Peahi Beach! Surf, hangout, or explore the beaches around the private properties. 

From exquisite sim detail to surfing to weather systems rolling thru, Peahi and Paia offers residents and guests a unique island experience.

Peahi and Paia rentals now available!

-  Open rez sim
-  Entire sim open for use
-  Surfable waves
-  Live music
-  Island living.

See the rental boxes on tiki roofs for information. Any questions, contact Sean Azambuja. Peahi (13, 30, 21) and Paia Beach (165, 99, 46).
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Surfing 101 - Style

Welcome Mick Lunasea to the pages of SurfWatch!  Mick is a long time surf instructor (editors note:  See High on a Wave, SurfWatch March 17, 2009), former SLSA Director, and owner of Pacific Coast Hwy sims and SurfCrazy surf shops.  Thanks to the brilliant idea of our own Mari Monentes, Mick will be periodically sharing his knowledge with the readers of SurfWatch.  Look for more entries from Mick in the future!

Okay, forget everything you think you know about SL surfing. Forget the board, the key work, the physics and all the rest. We're going to get right down to the nitty gritty of being a surfer. Its all about style.

Style starts with how you look. I was in Lincoln City, Oregon, years ago exploring for waves. This guy
cruised the highway in a Corvair with a board strapped on top. He never took it off the roof. He had bleached blond hair. We laughed - thought he was a kook, hodad, a highway surfer. But you know what? When he pulled into the Frostie Freeze, he was swarmed with chicks. They oohed and awwed, ran their hands along the rails of the board. The guy had SURFER STYLE working for him!

Surf Trunks:

(What boardshorts were called in the 60's, maybe had sonething to do with elephant, ears etc.  I dunno.)Long "Jams" below the knee were out. Why? Because the crotch ripped out within 10 minutes of surfing. Yeah, they protected your legs, but it gave new meaning to 'balls out surfing'. With the recent introduction of new stretchy fabrics, now surfers can surf in pants if they want. Style lesson? Wear above knee "Trunks"  to make a classic statement or go with long "Boardies" to show you one hip rippa.


Remember now, they were invented and named after nuclear testing on Bikini Atol in South Pacific. They've been causing chain reactions ever since. I love Zuma Beach, gaping shore pound, always a wave. During the summer, unsuspecting housewives would go for a swim in the churning waves. Most often the bikini top suitable for the suburban pool would get ripped off, entangled in their hair. Bottoms yanked by Poseidon to their ankles turning them into instant sea nymphs. We'd be courteous, averting our eyes after they got their hair outta their faces. Thankfully, virtual kinis are glued and not an issue. Style lesson? Serious gal rippers wear substantial top and bottom. Want to make male friends or find playmates? Wear G string and areolla pop out style tops.

One Piece Suits: Seldom seen but if purchased from good SL designer, a sure bet.

Rash Guards:

(Rashies) A somewhat modern invention to prevent under arm rashes while wearing a wetsuit. Why SL surf contest JERSEYS are call rashies, I have no clue. Rash Guards do come in handy in the tropics preventing sunburn, chest and nipple rash. Nothing feels worse or looks funnier than nipples covered in bandaids. Style lesson? Totally cool to wear, especially on tropo sims.

Surfing Naked: Virtual thrill not recommnded in RL. Too many ouchies to think about.

Okay, until next time, do it in style... GO SURFING!
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On the Spotter!

Sunday, November 15, 2009, MaryAnn Maa surprised her partner, Quench Spotter, with a celebration of his RL birthday and 3 year Rez Day all in one!!  

Plenty of Quench's friends were on hand to celebrate with dancing, music, and celebration!

Quench said, "The party was a treat I did not deserve!  (big smiles)  I know I have alot of love from people.  That, and Mary, keep me going!"

He added, "Thank you to all our friends - what a great surprise party!  Let's do it again next year!  Mary and I are rebuilding the sims to entertain our friends and newcomers alike.  We'll keep everyone posted on our progress!"

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SurfWatch In World Edition - December 2009

Ready for SurfWatch In World's 3rd edition? December will be our International Edition, featuring our International SL surfing friends. Be on the look out on December 1. And if you are interested in ad space in the December issue, please contact Ashleigh Dickins. We also have Dec, Jan and Feb calendar listings. Contact Tauri Tigerpaw or Ashleigh Dickins to get your event listed and ad space now.
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Announcements III

Welcome to our third installment of Announcements! Be sure to go to Announcements and Announcements II and see what else is shakin' in SL surfing!


Hallelujah Azul Art Walk

November 14 thru November 30
The Hallelujah Azul Art Walk is an open-air exhibition featuring 15 artists from across the grid and throughout the world. Media include RL painting, photography, collage, enhanced SL photography, SL sculptural builds and others. Artists include: Daire Aeon, Sasha Bazilinski, Bayley Boucher, Therese Carfagno, Amarynth Emmons, Bobbi Laval, Skarat Lefebvre, Lingual Markus, Nessuno Myoo, Lubnatsi Papp, Juliete3d Quinzet, sistagriro Wei, Nevar whitfireld, Clementine Whitt, Dorothy Urvilan.
Hallelujah azul is a "small town" sim with 16 shops, a coffee house, a live music venue, and residential parcels. For more information, contact Gwendolyn Bieler.

LilMario Cutout Creations

Ooo, who's that holding an awesome crouch on their board in the sand? Wait, that's a giant cut out! If you would like a lifelike giant cutout of yourself surfing, contact LilMario Lavendel. Standpose is 100L, action shot on the wave is 200L, and a team shot is 600L.


Head out to party at a live concert at the SLSA sim starting at 1 SLT today! Party, dance, laugh, and have a great time - all proceeds to benefit the SLSA!


For information on surfboards, clothing, inner tubes, beach furniture and items, contact Analog Jun.


Grabbing fashion by the throat


Mixed reality event: Art and Education, the University of Applied Sciences Kiel and the rest of the universe, October 31, 8 AM SLT. Introduction and field report about SL projects by Nadja Franz, associate lecturer FH Kiel, fraufranz konzept Y& dezign. Exhibitions and discussion by Ulrike Meyer, Mencius Watts, and Hanno Tietgens.


Looking for a place to dance, have fun, hear live music, be with your friends, and always feel welcome? Then check out for Sunshine Beach Club, Topanga (50, 229, 21) Be on the look out for their grand opening event coming soon. Contact Amy Eclipse for more information.


Be prepared to have the bejebers scared outa you! The Haunted Castle and Graveyard are OPEN and waiting for you - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! Put on your scariest costume, set to midnight, and hang on to your bejebers as you explore the haunted, spooky scariness! The main party is scheduled for October 31 at the beautiful Eons Ballroom at Maa (179, 70, 21) but you can come explore anytime!


Check out some of the longest horseback riding trails available in SL! Visit Southend (89, 246, 44) and ride the trail signs thru moutains, beaches, up hills, thru tunnels. The trails are part of an incredible 36 sim complex including a surfing beach and public party area, so pack a lunch and plan to stop and explore along the way.


Making his musical debut at Kikeli in Archipelago (50, 89, 23) on Friday, October 16, Church Drascal wowed the crowd with his incredible guitar, vocals, and song selection. Be sure to catch him performing in SL. For more information on booking Church or finding his performances, contact Sassy1 Fizzle.


Stop in for lunch or dinner and share an intimate meal with a loved one or just dish with the girls. Sunset Dance Pavilion overlooking the beach, the forest, and the fountains. Boracay Islands (73, 24, 26)


The Deamscape 1 is a 73 meter sailboat yacht that is livable with custom furniture and finely made exterior and interior created by Carson Nexen and Joice Dreamscape. Boats photos can be found at: Yacht includes: bed with poses, removable custom couch and chairs, removable custom picture frames, flat screen tu, removable custom build dining table, kitchen area, above deck couches with poses, security doors, lights. You can also contact Carson and Joice to see the boat in world.


SL ranked surfer and artist, Bobbi Laval, will be displaying her Fall Show - Autumn Pics and Portraits - Thursday, October 15, 2009, at 6 - 9 PM SLT, Vertex Plaza. Next door will be a display of her favorites and some of her newest work. Check it out at Vertex Plaza, Artists Studios,Gemini Elysia (58, 14, 50) and 10 Laval Studios, Gemini Elysia (49, 15, 49).

Bobbi states: Thank you for coming to the October opening of my new work at Vertex Plaza Gallery. I sincerely appreciate your support. The work I am showing is a departure for me in several experimental directions and the works fill the plaza and extend to both levels of my studio right next to the plaza. I look forward to you attending and appreciate your support.


Set your world to midnight and be prepared to be scared out of your boardies as you explore the hauntings going on at Sebastian Saramago's Halloween Haunted house at Green River (69, 50, 21). Be very scared....


Join the fun Saturday for the Grand Opening and Weekend Bash at Magic Beach! The weekend theme is beachwear with lots of prizes, lindens and fun! Saturday from 1-3 and 6-8 and Sunday from 1-3! Head on over to Magic Beach, VenYue (205, 121, 24) Contact MiaBelle Magic for more information.


Nestled in the first floor of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (35, 190, 74) you'll find the amazing fountain designs of Marianna Monentes reaching into the international marketplace. Stop by to tour the Eiffel Tower and make an elevator stop on the first floor. Check out the M.M. Changing Fractal Fountain that displays a menu of fractal art textures created by Amorina Ashton when you touch it. Or visit the main shop location of Fountain Fantasy at Boracay Islands (40, 107, 21).


If you missed the "Bright, Bold & Beautiful" Fall Colours graduation fashion show from the Mimmi Boa Modeling Academy on Sunday, September 27, check out this link of photos taken by the amazing Kohana Schimmer at featuring the beautiful Emma Portilo as part of the graduating class. Some of the fashions include Azul, Butterfly Effectz, My Precious, Ora Trei and Orage Creations. Take a peek to see some of the hottest SL fashions for this fall.


Sharkbite is announcing the release of the new, fantastic Sharkbite Beach Set! This set is composed of a bikini set (including the very popular bootie style), an overshirt, a gorgeous sweater (with resizing menu) and some matching beach wedges, all for 199L!!!

If you haven't made it to the new store, stop by and check it out! At the new main Sharkbite store at Nebulous, Sharkbite offers bikinis for 99L, shirts for 95L, and you will rare find anything for sale above 100L. Shop and surf the pipes at Sharkbite, Nebulous (34, 252, 30) and check out Sharkbite2@Mori (42, 201, 22).


Made in Heaven Fashion and CONSTRUCT Furniture have teamed up on a sim called "Made in Heaven". The sim, designed by Cat Carfagno of CONSTRUCT, has 3 distinct areas: CONSTRUCT Furniture Beach Line (home furnishings); Beach Lounge for dancing and romance; and Made in Heaven Fashion offering casual wear for men and women, including shoes and jewelry, with bikinis for only 49L.

Grand Opening is planned for Thursday, October 1, at 11 AM SLT, with door prizes and DJ Nox Larsson at the Beach Lounge. Next to Made in Heaven island is Made in Heaven 2 island called Aloya Reef where FAKT surfboards are available. Made in Heaven (113, 120, 21) Contact Cat Carfagno for more information.


Yendor Destiny took first place in the High Prim - Anybody Parts category at the recent RocknRoll Indian Summer Bike Show and placed 5th in the Biker City Australia Spring Bike Carnival! See more on Yen's bikes in SurfWatch, "Yendor Destiny, Following His" posted on 9-23 and contact Yen in world for more information.



Montego Surf Team welcomes the beautiful and talented Bobbi Laval, member of the SLSA Hall of Fame, surfing instructor, #3 ranked surfer for SLSA 2008 season, never missing an SLSA competition, former team captain of Reef Riders surf team, famed SL photographer, as the guest speaker for Thursday, October 1, at 4 PM SLT at Knowhere. Bobbi will be talking primarily about her history in SL surfing and how her technique and coaching methods have developed. Don't miss it! Contact Kohana Schimmer for more information.


See Surferjoe Wind's live webcast at

photos courtesy Monq Pinklady


Open to the public - come surf, play beach volleyball, tennis, ping pong, explore SurfWatch headquarters, drink coffee, watch a movie, check it out! And now, whitewater canyon kayaking!! (43, 91, 25)


The public is invited to the opening reception for this new show at Laval Photography Gallery featuring the works of WickedV Carver, Crystalship Rehula, and Bobbi Laval.
Opening Reception: Sunday, September 6th, 11am - 1pm sl time
Live Music: 11am sl time, Claire Dirval, the Sexy Seductive Songstress and musician
~ WickedV Carver~
Wicked is a talented up and coming photographer. Well known in the SL surfing scene, her inworld photos have been shown at Museum of Second Life Photography and Orange Island. She has been recognized as a finalist in the H2O contest and Face of Koinup contest.
~ Crystalship Rehula ~
Crystal, an accomplished though somewhat under recognized photographer, will be sharing the first floor of the gallery with Wicked. Her work is creative, imaginative, and moving. Sometimes a bit dark but always invokes emotion.
~ Bobbi Laval ~
Bobbi continues to experiment and push her limits. Upstairs will feature her newest digital paintings, new inworld photography celebrating fall, and her popular favorites and favorite portraits.


Boracay Islands now has dining and dancing at the Sunset Dance Pavilion, a romantic place to unwind. Great views surrounded by the Pacific and the forest of the Pacific Northwest. You will also see the many fountains created by Marianna Monentes. Come unwind at Boracay Islands Sunset Dance and Dining Pavilion (78, 44, 26)


Live in one of the most beautiful surf sims in SL. Open rez sim, surfable waves, attached to Braata, SE corner of the sim (134, 33, 21). 625L/week, 300 prims. Contact Sean Azambuja for more information.


Want to find out what's in your SL future? Contact Becca Horsforth and see what's in the cards. Tarot readings by appointment only, 1000L/15 minutes.


Bobbi Laval and Eliza Quinzet will be featured together in a collaborative display in the center section of this month's multi-artist show at Pyramid Gallery. The collaboration features Eliza's sculptures with Bobbi's artistic impressions of each sculpture. Reception and show opening is Saturday, August 29, 2009, at 9 AM SLT (202, 94. 63).


MUST's website now features a blog, surfer individual profiles with bio, pictures and individual self posting blogs. Check out the surfers that MUST surf.


If you have an interest in what's going on in SL surfing, consider joining the SurfWatch team! We're always looking for reporters, photographers, columnists and ideas for our staff. Talk to Tauri Tigerpaw and find out more!


And who was the big winner of the Boracay Burger Bash? Colleen Brennan found the hamburger hidden in the Fountain Fantasy gardens and won more than just a meal! She won 500L provided by SurfWatch AND a beautiful St. Brigid's Cross Three Tier Fountain created by Marianna Monentes. Brennan commented, "The burger was still delicious and everyone should visit this spot because the fountains are beautiful - the whole sim is beautiful - and it is a great place to chill and relax." You can bring your own burger, browse thru the incredible fountains, surf, swim, party, relax and hang out at Boracay Islands (64, 98, 21)

If you have an announcement, partnership, birth, event, death, business, or any news you'd like to share, contact Tauri Tigerpaw and we'll help you get the word out! It's free!

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