New Years Resolutions for 2010!

Resolutions...some people say bah!  I don't ever do those!  And then secretly to themselves they promise to work on or change or improve something.  This is your chance to post your resolutions in the comments section and maybe that will help you keep it this year!  Feel free to add your resolutions for 2010 in the comments section and we'll all try to help you keep them in the coming year!


Colleen Brennan said...

For 2010 I resolve to try my very best to be a part of making SL surfing a friendly drama-free society where all we care about is good waves and enjoying each other's company. This one is really easy. I hope we can all do this.

Anonymous said...

My New Year's resolution is to make the quantum leap from posting "Mr. Anonymous" comments, to ones with my name on it!!! Happy Holidays everyone :)

Maxwell Silvansky
aka Jimbo the Cartboy