Mari's Mailbag - Team Dating

Dating team mates is usually not a wise decision. When there is a parting of ways, one usually has to leave the team, and the team is left with having to take sides. This is disruptive to the team and unfair to those who are serious about competing. If you want to be on a team "just" to date, you should seriously think of other places to meet people. When it just happens without forethought, then it really cannot be helped. Practicing together often brings mates close together. You also share a common love of surfing and the encouragement you give to one another sometimes brings you closer to each other than you expected. Love happens simply unexpectedly.

There are those in our community who have fallen in love and the bond continued and the team became stronger for it.  It's just when there is a parting of ways that creates all the confusion. One can never predict the outcome unless, of course, you are just on the team to date and meet people.

Teams are about competing; a family with a common goal. If you do fall in love, respect the rest of your mates especially if there is a parting of ways.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

*posts this on every team clubhouse's door with a hand written note "Read this, it may save you drama, heartache, and strife. I know. XoXo - Ashleigh"*

AMEN MARI! Unfortunately the heart wants what it wants like a dummy.