How many of you know what ARC is? Avatar Rendering Cost. Having your cost low will help you overcome lag. This is really helpful when surfing. Here is an excerpt from SL Wiki :
"ARC" stands for "Avatar Rendering Cost", an educational tool to help you understand more about sources of Viewer-side lag. Using a point score, Avatar Rendering Cost shows how each avatar
affects the rendering performance of the Viewer. The point score is shown over an avatar's head in green, yellow or red, depending on how costly an avatar is for a graphics card to render.
How is the Avatar Rendering Cost determined?
Each face/polygon on an avatar's attachment is assigned a point (times a multiple).
Characteristics of that face which might slow down rendering determines the multiple.
All the points get added together and presented as "the final cost" estimate of rendering the avatar.
How do I enable Avatar Rendering Cost? Advanced> Rendering> Info Displays> Avatar Rendering Cost
For more info please read:
Mari's Mailbag - ARC

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