SLSA HOF Building Design Competition

posted by the SLSA Sunday, Nov 8, 2009

The SL Surfing Association (SLSA) is pleased to announces an SL wide (open to non SLSA members) competition for the redesign of its Hall of Fame (HOF) building. This will be a fund raising design competition.

A 1000L entry fee will be asked to submit your design. Entrants will have 3 weeks to submit their design, which should be a in world full scale model. The winner will be selected by popular vote from the SLSA members after the designs are presented for viewing anonymously. The winner will get an accreditation panel on the building itself, and free gold level SLSA sponsorship placement at all SLSA events for 6 months (7.5KL value + lead business).

Submissions must be received by November 30th with the Winner Announced on December 5th prior to Round 1 of the Montego Surf Comp.

Design brief:

Create a building for the display of SLSA Hall of Fame inductees and for the history of the SLSA. The building should capture the "stoke" of the surfing community, but with a touch of reverence. The building should fit in harmoniously on the SLSA Archipelago Sim (a tropical sandy bay). The building should be 300 prims or less, and fit within a 30 by 30m ground space (it doesn't have to be square tho). The building could include scripts but must not register any significant lag. The existing building to be replaced can be found here:-

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