Montego Lecture Circuit - Sebastian Saramago

Sebastion Saramago recently spoke at the monthly Montego Lecture Series to a full house.  For those who were not able to attend, his lecture follows:

Introduction by Kohana Schimmer:  It gives me great pleasure to introduce a guy who really needs no introduction at all. If you surf inworld, then you surely know the name “Sebastian Saramago”. Sebastian is the co-founder of SSi along with Heather Goodlife. Together they made it possible for all of us to surf the sparkling waters of SL with the development of their waves and boards.

Seb's lecture:  First off, thank you very much for having me here today. It's an honor that you would think highly enough of me to allow me to speak to you all today. The support of the community is what keeps us moving forward and makes us want to develop new products. I understand that our want is not always translated as quickly into new product as the community may demand, but we are indeed working towards that goal.

Today I wanted to give people a little more insight on what's going on with SSi and our team, and what our plans are as a whole. I believe the main goal of Heather and myself has always been to enjoy what we do, and the benefits of that have been second.

Recently I have had many conversations with Heather about the direction we are going, and what, if any, future there was for SSi and surfing. Good news is, we both think there is still great potential for surfing, not only for us as a company, but for surfers and other related products as a whole.

Heather has evaluated the needs, and together we have agreed that a greater support system is necessary. To this end, Heather has brought on some new team members skilled in the computer sciences and ways of the digital world. You may not know who they are, and some of you may have spoken to a few of them. But a more formal introduction and support system will be announced shortly.

The main goal of this new structure is to free up time for Heather and I to focus on the creative aspects of developing innovative products. We are both committed to moving the surfing systems in a direction that is in line with the suggestions of the community.

I cannot offer any strict development schedule, but we are excited to roll up our sleeves and go to work to provide a surfing experience that is deserving of such a devoted following. We understand that without the passion and endless hours and efforts of the community, that there would be no SSi. I would be back on my lonely beach with our one surf shop trying to give away boards and get people to surf. Thankfully, that is not the case.

Still to this day, after nearly 4 years in the virtual surf biz, it's a really great feeling to bring someone new to a beach, and watch them react to seeing waves for the first time. And when they catch that first ride, and then go back out again with an excitement and joy, you know they are hooked. All the people who have taught someone to surf for the first time, in real life or here on SL, knows exactly what I mean.

But its not just the surfing, the boards and the waves. Again, its about the people. Anyone looking for friendship, some good music and laughter only need to head to the nearest surfing beach and talk to members of our community. No other place, and no other people are as open, inviting and accepting of all kinds more than our surfers. Not furry people, religious folk, elves, Gorean or anything in between has such a free feeling of acceptance and warmth.

I am honored to have been apart of this. It has meant something real to me. To my life. And I hope to continue to be able to serve you, and the community as long as you will have me.

During the question and answer session, Seb fielded questions on whether he was an RL surfer, "I grew up here in so Cal and at the beach so much in my youth. I have not been able to keep up with surfing, no, but Thalia and I both have a desire to move back to the beach area and break off the rust and get back out there.  I can still keep up in the kiddy waves."

He was asked about the new waves that he has in development and whether they will require a new board.  He said the He said you won't need a new board to do well on the new wave, but new boards are in the works.  He talked about wave improvements, such as the wave not have a C shaped pipe but rather a pipe with some raised sections, a curl, with an open end and also having some options as far as how you ride.

Addressing questions related to his relationship with the SLSA, Seb said, "I think i have always tried to stay in the background.  I support the SLSA and others, as much as I can, without taking sides to the point that others feel one is favored.  However, you have to take into account the committed support SLSA has given SSi and we are always committed to our fans."

When asked how he figured out all the nuances of prim physics, etc. or if he had a programmer background, Seb said, "Well, much of it is not so complex as to need a degree in rockets and much of it was developed over time.  Heather is a programmer in real life and writes her own software, so she does indeed understand the heart of it, more so than I.  I have worked in graphic arts for the last 15 years, so Heather and I are a good team."

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