Montego Lecture Circuit - VW Sands

VW Sands' much anticipated lecture on Thursday, September 3, for the Montego Lecture Circuit Series, for those that were not able to attend:

I would like to thank Ko and the crew at Montego for having me today and all of you for coming out and putting up with me for a few minutes (smiles).  It is an honor to be among the speakers that Ko has lined up for us this summer, and I hope that you have enjoyed this series thus far.  I sure have (smiles).
Today I wanted to talk about bringing the "stoke" from RL surfing into SL and what we all can do, RL surfers or not, to further strengthen our community.
I started surfing in RL at the age of about 6 or 7, I think.  It's been a few years, so I don't really remember (smiles and winks).  The one thing that I do remember without doubt is how the guys at the beach took me in and helped me (when my dad could no longer keep up.  I was a quick little fart). 
Many (many, many) years and millions of waves later, I sat down at my computer one night and out of pure curiosity logged into SL.  I was here a week or two before I found Bishara and once again, I was welcomed, taken in, and helped by what would become a dear friend, Dumisani Ah, the owner of Bishara Resorts. Soon I was working as the Estate Manager for Bishara, and it allowed me the chance to get new users stoked on SL surfing and it seemed just like that first time in RL as a kid, when others had turned me onto surfing: the lifestyle, and the appreciation for Mother Earth and ocean.  Not only that, but Dumi gave me a blank canvas that I used to create Majini and in the process, learned about sim design and management.  Invaluable lessons (smiles).
Since then and everyday in SL, I think back and look forward.  I have no interest in debating the whole RL/SL surfing issue.  I'm more interested in using the undeniable mellow, good natured, and laid back lifestyle that we, as surfers, are famous for and bring it here to SL.  To me, it makes no difference if you are a RL surfer or not.  That's not the point.  Our community has been at odds as of late.  Growth, new comp formats, new groups and new products are, of course, essential for our community.  While I have basic philosophical issues with the methods being used to promote these new innovations, I recognize their importance.
Meanwhile, the SLSA has also grown, adapted and developed.  I would like to think we have done so without the "need" to use negative energy and bad mojo as a way of recruiting support.  I only hope that we can unify, stop all the silliness and, as Doxx says, "Shut up and ride".
To that end, the goal is - for me, anyway - to try to narrow the gap.  Try to somehow transfer the stoke from RL surfing to surfers in SL.  This community is comprised of people from all over the world, some RL surfers, some not.  But together we use our collective energy to welcome new "surfers", to spread the stoke, to narrow the gap between California and Katmandu.
At Sally (LaSalle)'s last address to us here, she was asked, "Ya think we can be strong enough to share the humility, the respect, the friendship and the values that RL surfers share?"  Her answer was "yes", which may have been somewhat wishful thinking, but I agree that we should at least strive for those goals.
In the pursuit of that, I have been lucky enough to serve on the SLSA Board, to organize surf comps thru my VSA group and surf school to help noobie surf rats catch the wonderful, addictive, and unshakable vibe that we all share.  I hope that you all, too, can think not in terms of RL contra SL, but instead in terms of respect, humility, and just having fun and sharing.
As you all know, my term on the SLSA Board has ended, and I would like to thank all of you for allowing me to serve.  It has been a ton of fun, heartaches, late nights and stress, but most importantly, I have learned.  I have learned alot about myself, alot about all of you, and I wouldn't trade my year on the SLSA Board of Directors for anything.  I can only hope that I have left my post after having helped to create some positive changes, and I wish new directors the best of luck and will always be more than willing to remain available to bounce ideas off (smiles).
Thank you so much for this chance to talk with you all and remember that my door is always open and that I rarely pass up a chance to surf with friends (smiles).

The question/answer portion of the lecture is now posted at the SLSA website:

Stay tuned for upcoming lectures by Bobbi Laval and Sebastian Saramago.


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