Dr. Love
Tauri Tigerpaw
Second: I AM A MAN, through and through, and I love women and only women. I know that every woman has something special to offer any guy who's smart enough to see it! You ladies all drive me crazy. I sincerely love you all! You make my life so much brighter every day with your wit, your conversation, your sense of humor, your brains, and your beauty.
When Tauri first approached me about this column, she asked what I thought. I told her, "Hey, I would love to do this." But I have only one condition and that is, I remain anonymous to everyone but her, of course. I made her promise vociferously or I wasn't going to do this. I also asked that my name be Dr. Love, and she agreed.
Will I ever reveal myself to the readers of this wonderful SL mag? Probably not, at least, not in the near future. Ask yourselves this: isn't it really kind of fun that nobody but Tauri Tigerpaw knows who I am? I think it is, and I hope you all agree and let's have some fun with it. So people, keep guessing, and I promise this: if anyone gets my identity correct, I will fess up! But, if it's one of you gorgeous female avis, then you and I must go on a date...alone...to the place of your choice! Then maybe you'll see just exactly what the Doctor really knows!
This week's quote:
"Always remember that love is giving someone the power to break your heart and trusting them not to."
Peace and Love
Dr. Love
If you have a love question for the Love Doctor, feel free to post anonymously or not in the comments section. Or drop a notecard to Dr. Love care of Tauri Tigerpaw.
Dear Dr. Love,
Is it wrong to lust after a co-worker? More then one? Maybe a boss? Especially since we are lusting after pixels and we really don't get paid? And if they are REALLY Hawt!???
Thank you in advance for your response.
HAHAHA Love the question Anonymous! Let's see some more work for Dr. Love ;)
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