Riders for a Cure Surf Open

by Socks Clawtooth, Senior Furry Correspondent

"Riders for a Cure" is hosting a surf event on July 11, 11 AM SLT, at Tsunami Beach. The event is a "surf open", meaning that it's open to anyone to enter, and it's open to any board, surf, sim, wind, kite, and so on. The event is not a "serious" competition but a more laid back event for everyone.

Competitors will be donating 250L to enter the event. They will get 3 minutes of open water time to show off anything they want to. They will then be judged, possibly given an opportunity to bribe the judges with another donation to RFL, and the scores recorded. At the end of the event, the rider with the highest score wins. Time dependent, there may be a re-buy round in which people can donate a little more to get a re-try at the water.

The winners of the event will get trophies but, more importantly, the winner will be "Relay for Life". Post event? Knowing the surf crowd, anything can and probably will happen.

We're currently looking for volunteers who would like to help out, possibly a DJ or similar. Please contact Socks Clawtooth for more information.

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