Dr. Love Answers Anonymous

Dear Dr. Love,

Is it wrong to lust after a co-worker? More than one? Maybe a boss? Especially since we are lusting after pixels, and we really don't get paid? And if they are REALLY Hawt???

Thank you in advance for your response,


Dear Anonymous:

Answering your question about lusting after a co-worker or workers is an easy one for the Doctor. Your question leaves a lot open and it seems you're not really asking for resolution but advice on whether this is acceptable or not.

YES, it is OKAY and not "wrong" to lust after a co-worker or workers regardless of their position, whether they are your boss or a peer!

It is quite common in RL for people who spend time together to become emotionally attached and SL is no exception. The difference in SL, as I've noted previously, is that every avi is drop-dead gorgeous! No flaws and just perfect to the eye. It then becomes all about the real person behind the avi. Apparently, this is who you are really lusting for. My recommendation is this:

Lust all you want after these persons in SL. In your private time, you can fantasize to your heart's content. A bit later on, tho, you need to ask yourself if you want to actually approach these people to let them know your most intimate thoughts about them.

Have some fun, Anonymous! Isn't SL great?!!

We all remember the great line Michael Douglas used in Wall Street, don't we? He said, "Greed is good!" Well, people, in SL, "Lust is good!" It's healthy, it's fun, and it's so sexy!

Peace and Love,
Dr. Love

If you have a question or comment for the Love Doctor, feel free to post anonymously or otherwise. Or drop a notecatd to Dr. Love care of Tauri Tigerpaw. She will keep it anonymous if you so request.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Love,

I have noticed a lot of people recently who have engaged in SL relationships with people who are married in RL. I do have friends who are a RL couple and are not in SL, but they are very open in both worlds. I've watched my own RL mother discover some incriminating e-mails sent to my RL father, and seeing the hurt at first pained me and I had a lot of trouble being respectful to my father after that. Most of it was due to my own guilt, as I have been known to show interest in someone who is taken in RL. Then I was witness to my mother deciding that the woman was so far away, and he never promised to meet her, and infact had not told her anything about what he really did as a job or lived. This still makes me wonder, what makes people engage in these relationships? Is it okay? Is it healthy? Or is it dependent on the personalities of those involved?