The SLSA is currently seeking sponsorships for 2009 surf season. The sponsorships pay for various expenses the SLSA incurs, but the bulk of the funds goes to pay surfers placing in the top ranked positions and officials to work the competitions. The program also benefits retailers, venues, performers, etc. in giving them a place to advertise their product with high exposure - the SLSA currently has close to 500 members and growing, and the involvement of SL surfers on a recreational level is estimated to be in the thousands.

The sponsorship program for the SLSA is set up with 3 different levels of sponsorship: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Each level effects price and exposure. With the new Surf In/Main Event competition format, the sponsors now get double exposure for the same price as the original sponsorship. Sponsorship provides banner placement at the events, live DJ announcements of your product, and logo placement on the website sponsor page. For program details, refer to the SLSA website. Or contact any SLSA director to explain the program to you.

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