Hidden in Plain Sight

submitted by Avalon Boa

A close up of a logo

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Oh, the places you can go in second life! And the endless opportunities to snap that perfect photo for Flickr, but often you are limited by the ability to rez poses. Yoh and I have been enjoying the creativity of second life and photography but became frustrated when it came to using pose balls to set a scene. We would often find a stunning sim, play around with creative windlights and then not be able to create a pose we were happy with. Yes, there are tools that can help you adjusting your avatar and you can spend the time setting up interesting poses but what if there was a way to use the couple poses you already have? (animare and anypose are two options if you want to create your own pose) Yoh and I struggled with this issue and asked several photographers if they had a solution. Most agreed that they have resorted to setting their own stage/ scene so that they can recreate an interesting scene while being able to rez their own pose balls. Setting up a scene on a sim certainly works if you purchase poses that have animations rather than pose balls, but that is not often the case with couples poses. The solution is actually easy! Let’s go through this step by step….
1. I had a Huddles HUD for dances that I purchased for 49L in my inventory. So, you purchase this or use one you already have. ( https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/huddles-dance-hud/540341)
2. You can load into this HUD all of your single animations. First create a folder in your inventory under the animations folder called POSE SCRIPTS. With couples poses. you have to rez out the pose balls, then go to EDIT and use EDIT LINKED
A black sign with white text

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Click on the male or female pose ball and go to contents. There you will see the animation. Now slide that animation into your POSE SCRIPTS folder in your inventory.
3. Now are you are ready to put this animation into your Huddles HUD or other animation HUD you are using. Rez out the HUD , go to EDIT and go to contents. Then from your inventory slide the animation into the contents. Before closing reset the scripts with the reset button on that window. Then take the HUD back into your inventory and add it. It will appear on your screen and you will be able to use that animation anywhere.
4. COUPLES animations will require you both purchasing the HUD and the couple pose. Then you both have to rez out the pose balls and each take the required animation out of the male or female pose. Then you both have to put it in your HUD. You may have to use other tools to adjust the pose exactly how you want it.
A picture containing person, outdoor, ground, building

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NOW you are set to go anywhere on the grid and use those couple poses you enjoy!


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