Great Lakes Surfing Association

photos and information reprinted with permission of Aquadoc

Surfing on the Great Lakes?  Oh yes, there is!  Just ask Aquadoc who has been an integral part of the real life (RL) Great Lakes Surfing Association throughout its history.

Ready for a surfari to the outer banks 1967

When SurfWatch interviewed Aquadoc back in April 2018, we were excited to hear he started surfing the Great Lakes in 1963 and became a Great Lakes Surf Legend!

He gave us permission to repost site photos to share the feel of real life surfing on the Great Lakes.
(Aquadoc Resident: Yes, you can use any pics off my SandHillCity site and there are tons there.  Explore the storyboard.)

We encourage you to do the same and expore the storyboard!  You don't need an ocean to surf!

Check out more of the history and the photos at:

And to hear more about Aquadoc and his Second Life surfing adventures, check out:
SurfWatch interviews Aquadoc


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