Cielo Surf Challenge

submitted by Shilow Carter
poster by Solsty Kismet
logo by Austin Novaland

What is the Cielo Surf Challenge?

This is another in a series that began as the Hummingbird Point Surf Challenge that's a surfer vs surfer competition against the clock to show off their skills in a freestyle format. The competitors are required to judge each other as part of the registration agreement, and with a brief orientation on the judging criteria, all judges to date found it relatively easy to orientate themselves with nerves calmed to judge quite confidently.

The Surf Challenge attracts some of SL's finest competitive, seasoned surfers who surf alongside and against first timers with the pro's handing out encouragement and tips on how to give the first timers the best way to beat the pro's, all in a very positive atmosphere, where Judges and competitors all hang out together. Everyone finding it a relaxed fun competition atmosphere.

The Challenge is about riding your favorite board and is flexible on changes to which board is used depending on the conditions. By a process of elimination, you may advance through to the finals day where the remaining two surfers will surf off for the cash and prize for 1st and 2nd.

Registration is open from March 16, 2019 until April 2nd. 

Contact Shilow C Carter, Kris Marley, or Solsty Ostertaine (Solsty Kismet) in-world for registration information.


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