Flickr Favorite - Austin Novaland

"Refreshing" - posted courtesy of Holly Portland - see the full-sized version on Flickr

Austin Novaland comments:  When I first glanced at this photo by Holly Portland in the SurfWatch Flickr group, I wondered why someone was posting their real life work in a Second Life group.  Obviously, being on a beautiful sim like Wild Edge helps, but it takes more than that to capture a scene that makes the viewer feel as though they are right there in it.

Holly's words only made my experience more immersive:
"Refreshing, that is what we Canadians say when it is particularly cold outside. "Boy, that is one REFRESHING windchill, of -35C."  Although the sunlight in this photo looks warm and inviting, that water in the background looks dark and "refreshing". It might be a good day to just linger on the beach."

SurfWatch editors will periodically be featuring Flickr Favorites to share in SurfWatch.  We'd love to see your talent displayed in the pages of SurfWatch.  Share your photo to SurfWatch's Flickr group and maybe we'll pick your photo to feature next. 


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