Wave Report Updates - lots of new locations

The SurfWatch Wave Report has a lot of changes this month. Thanks to considerable effort by Austin Novaland and a brand new surfing region, Wave Report has 22 additional sims included this month.

If you explore these surfing locations, you may notice there is a key difference in several of them. A majority of spots offer surfing as one of many other activities such as clubs and shops. Sometimes it's even a challenge to find the actual beach. Other locations like Bundy Reef, T'ai, and One Love Beach, however, are designed by layout and facilities with surfing as their main focus.

The inworld Surfsim Teleport board, HUD, and notecard have all been updated to reflect these changes as well.

Enjoy your time exploring and on the beaches!!!!

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VW Sands said...

Thanks Kant, Austin! Got an up-dated HUD last night and popped over to a couple new places. Gotta tell ya though....I was in boardies and felt kinda....over-dressed ;-)


Austin Novaland said...

I don't know how much thanks I deserve. Kantbe does all the heavy lifting. I just send her LMs when I find new places, as we hope all of you will do if you aren't already doing so. The SL search feature only works when sim owners use logical key words in their names or descriptions. For others, we rely on word-of-mouth or serendipity.

Also, I don't want to speak for Kantbe, but being on the list isn't an endorsement of the sim or the surfing experience that one may encounter. We will omit sims if the owner asks, but otherwise, we do not discriminate. If a sim has sufing waves, it goes on the list. Visitors can decide for themselves if a given experience is worth repeating.

It's nice to hear that you are using the HUD.

~ Austin