Imagine if you will, you are on final approach and about to land for a much needed surf vacation and out the window you spot, way off in the distance an epic point break.
Unfortunately you also notice that there are no roads, no trails and the approach by sea would be....impossible. You don´t think much more about it though as you know that in the morning you´re off on a wicked Dawn patrol to a proven surf spot.
After arriving at your bungalow and while unpacking your gear for tomorrows adventure, that killer break from the airplane window creeps back into your thoughts. Not able to shake it you fire up the laptop, crack open a cold beer and start to do some research on what that point may be called.

and the aerial view confirms what you saw from the plane. No possible way to get to that wave!
About to give up and on page 8 of your search results the Devils Backbone shows up on some half-baked homepage of some outfit call Vibrations Surf something or other. You figure what the hell and click the link.....
Turns out these nut cases actually take people into that wave! They have some hippy pilot named "Capt. Jaq" that loads up like 6-7 surfers at a time in his jump-plane and drops them in!
They call this "service" Para-Surfari and (if you can believe the website) they have never "lost" anyone.
Information on how your going to get OUT is sparse at best but that wave was so awesome that if it were to be a one way ticket it would nearly be worth it.
The last thing your read on their website (before gaining back your common sense):
"Contact VW Sands for more info on our up-coming dates and times for Para-Surfari "
Yeah, right, you say to yourself before opening another beer and go back to unpacking.
"Para-Surfari" is where they push you out of the plane with a Surfboard?
Sounds Crazy Dangerous.
I am in!
Teddy Bear
Getting pushed out of an airplane and into a wave would be Para-Surfari,yes ;-) And dangerous... ..virtual bones heal fast(er)
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