Submitted by Persia Bravin
Photos courtesy Guyot Habana
Photos courtesy Guyot Habana

SW (SurfWatch): Hi Guy – thanks for taking to us at SurfWatch.
What do you most enjoy about surfing at the Surfer’s Bay VIP sim?
GH (Guyot Habana): I really enjoy surfing with
friends here such as Duncan, Leanne, and my ladies Topanga, Sahara, Britney,
and anyone else I meet out on these amazing waves. Not to mention this gorgeous
sim with all its colors and atmosphere and the fantastic members of Surfers
SW: What would you say to encourage others to
try surfing?
GH: You really will become addicted! I have
taught and introduced many to surfing and love watching others enjoy it. As
they grow in their surfing abilities, they become one with the surfing
community, which is a whole world unto itself.
agree Guy. Showing new people how to surf is so rewarding. So, what is your favourite type of board –
and why?
GH: C-3 has the most realism and best
performance and I am a real stickler for realism and about performance!
SW: You also make surfboards - what inspired
you to start?
GH: I love building everything imaginable and
my love of surfing drove me to it.
SW: Where can surfers purchase and try your
boards Guy?
GH: You can find my shop at Surfer’s Bay VIP or
just IM me, I am always ready to help a new or seasoned surfer!
SW: Your boards are beautiful – what inspires
their design Guy?
GH: I enjoy creating something a bit different
to what you can find at other board shops.
GH: Anything by The Beach Boys. Also, Island
type music or good old Rock & Roll. I used to DJ for many years so music is
my passion and music of all types works for me.
SW: Before I let you get back to surfing – my
final question. What else do you enjoy doing in SL?
GH: Building cars, motorcycles, dragsters,
houses, clocks, landscaping… you name it. And dancing!
SW: Thanks for your time Guy – anything else
you would like to add before you get back to your surfboard?
GH: Yes! Surfers Bay VIP is the place to surf,
dance, and make love. The DJ's and the Sim itself… it’s amazing here: come on
at Surfer’s Bay VIP:
There is a group join fee of 500L which allows rezz rights anywhere on the sim.
There is a C-3 rezzer and Maoli waves. Members can also set their home position
on the sim plus there are male and female changing rooms in skyboxes. You can
also surf across to the new Surfer’s Eden sim.
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