Second Life Surfing Association Competition Registration Opens Today!

Submitted by Solsty Kismet

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) is wrapping up their final competition of the season.  Surfers hoping to make their place in Hall of Fame history must prove themselves on the oldest board in Second Life, the SSi shortboard.  All skill levels are welcome to participate. Sign up by using the SLSA website.

To compete you need to:
1. Belong to the SL Surfing Association group  secondlife:///app/group/6555ac32-baa6-85ad-48c3-93c5a84d740a/about

2. Be registered as a member of the SLSA forum ( After you register, wait for activation of your account, which due to a number of bots registered before, is done manually by one of the SLSA Directors or forum moderators, after they check if you're a real avatar and belong to the SL Surfing Association group in SL. The activation should not take more than 24 hours. (if so ask one of the directors listed below in IM)

3. Watch for group notices and check the SLSA forum ( for news and updates. Every significant announcement is done via group notice in-world, so don't worry you'll miss something.

4. After the registration is open (it's always the Sunday 13 days before the competition, on Sunday at 12 noon SLT) register at the SLSA forum by following the link posted in the group notice.
 the competition Registration forum is at
...  (( what you do is press the [Post Reply] button for the comp registration topic, and give your Name, Team (if any, teams are optional, and any preference for an early or late heat))

5. Before the competition the heat draws will be announced, and you will receive a competition pack with rashguard (rashie)and important notecards to read (must read about rules n stuff!) in it.

6. At the competition you need to use the SSi Shortboard.  The rezzer is located on Bundy Reef.

The Competition will be June 23rd @ 11am SLT at Bundy Reef
Deadline to register is June 20th.

Lessons for this board will be provided free of charge. Dates are posted on the Surfwatch sidebar.

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