SurfHaven Flickr Photo Contest Winner 2nd Place - Frankie Edon

Surfwatch is proud to announce the 2nd place winner of it's joint Flickr photo contest with Fairhaven.

Congratulations Frankie Edon!

We felt the motion of the wave and board, the sun and salty spray, the joining of rider and wave!  In Kantbe's words, "This one is a great action shot that I think illustrates the thrill of staying just ahead of the wave before is comes crashing over you".

Spray | Surfhaven Entry

The original Flickr post can be seen at:

The entire SurfWatch Flickr Group is open to the public. Check it out and show us some of the beaches in SL that you enjoy. SurfWatch will be highlighting shots from our Flickr page periodically so be sure to add your picture to the SurfWatch Flickr Group!


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