SurfWatch recently caught up with Markus Allen at the beautiful Oasis of Life sim to talk about exciting development in kids' Second Life surfing.
SurfWatch (SW): So tell me what got you interested in kids surfing?
Markus Allan (MA): There is a child that I knew named Jazzie Kensington. She came and surfed on one of the surfboards for adults. She was floating, and I knew then that we need TD/Child avatar friendly surfboards. So I contacted Shack Schapira and the rest is history.
SW: Haha, well maybe not history for everyone. So Shack created a special board to fit their size?
MA: Yes, ma'am, the C-Too, and we actually caught a kid surfing and was allowed to use his image for the camp poster.
SW: That I have seen! So that was totally spontaneous? Some kid just came by and started surfing with the kids board?
MA: Yeah, I don't know the kid. The photographer, Daniel Moretti, that we have on staff just happened to be on the sim when that boy and his sister were surfing. Daniel asked him if he could take some pictures of them surfing and he agreed.
SW: Oh, perfect! So how does it work? Is there a special rezzor for kids?
MA: There is. The yellow orange one on the far left is for the kids. Last I checked the list of surfing regions/sims, we were the only one with a C-Too Rezzer. Shack also is selling the C-Too. Not sure about in his main store but here on this sim he is.
SW: So you saw a need for kid surf lessons and what happened next?
MA: Well, I wanted to get kids involved with SLSA (Second Life Surfing Association), maybe eventually one day do a competition. But we have to start small and get their buy in and interest. So I saw some chatter on Facebook by children, about camps. And thought why not host a camp here? We can get one or two lessons going for kids to learn how to surf and incorporate our [Life2] sponsorship as well by giving them their [Life2] needs.
SW: Awesome! So what are the details on the camp?
MA: It will be a 2 week long camp, with I'm hoping 2 lessons a week on the surfboard. One at night and one in the day each week. We just haven't heard from any C-3 instructors to teach yet. But this way we can get them all on a board at least once. We will be giving them a room, with a roommate if requested. We even had a [Life2] affiliate make specialized meals for the camp.
SW: I think the whole surf community is excited about this influx of new lil surfers and the fun they'll bring to the sport! Keep us all posted, Markus!
Lil Surfer Camp Coming Soon!

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