Most of y’all probably know - ̗̀ Teddy Bear ̖́- (atlasshrugged3) as one of the newer SL surfers who has been doing a bang up job at the SL Surfing Association competitions over the past few seasons. If you follow her on FaceBook, you also know her as one of the instructors at Caledon Oxbridge University in Second Life. Caledon Oxbridge is a Victorian Steampunk realm with a setting theme of an old English university.
Teddy Bear teaches their Photo Salon classes, which focuses on techniques of SL photography. Classes range from basic composition to experimenting with wind light and other specialized photography. Some topics, like recently during Halloween, involve field trips to sims around Second Life.
Teddy Bear is about to start classes that are especially appropriate for the holiday season. She will be covering techniques and resources that can be used to end up with a holiday card as your class project.

Classes are open to the public and there are no prerequisites. Some basic knowledge of SL photography would be helpful, however. Teddy Bear’s classes are held in the Caledon Oxbridge University Main Lecture Hall on Wednesday evenings at 7PM SLT.
For more information about the classes, please contact Teddy Bear… she’s not the kind of bear who bites… usually…

Classes are open to the public and there are no prerequisites. Some basic knowledge of SL photography would be helpful, however. Teddy Bear’s classes are held in the Caledon Oxbridge University Main Lecture Hall on Wednesday evenings at 7PM SLT.
For more information about the classes, please contact Teddy Bear… she’s not the kind of bear who bites… usually…
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