Isla de Amores

Submitted by Dillan Munro

There is a little jewel of a place that goes by the name of Isla de Amores. It's a tropical setting that evokes images of some south Pacific remote island, complete with white sandy beaches, palm trees, small atolls, and many little hidden spots for lovers. The attire is swimsuit or nude, and most who visit seem to opt for no suits. There is a very nice bay, with a better than average wave set that is easy on the beginning surfer, and both boards and windsurfers are available for anyone to use.

The many teleporters will help you make your way around, and lift you up into the clouds to the Spa and the Red Room, to name just a couple of the more interesting spots. You can probably guess why it's called the Red Room, but suffice it to say that those who take advantage of the toys there may have difficulty sitting for a few days!

I always like to walk around new places like this and observe the details, of which there are many. Look for the jungle treehouse and the hidden cave behind the waterfall. There are also old native ruins; watch out for the trap door !

One of the owners is almost always on hand to greet you at the landing spot to answer questions and help make your experience as fun as possible. There is a $100L one time fee to join the group, but it's one of the best expenditures I've made in SL. It's usually quiet there with very low lag, as well. For those of us with old slower computers that's always a plus.

Check it out for yourselves; I don't think you will be disappointed !

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