Exploring the Wave Report: El Diablo

submitted by Kantbe Thursday

This is the first in a series of short, but sweet articles that describes a few basic characteristics of  SL (Second Life) surfing sims that you might want to check out.  These articles are not going to replace the more in depth articles SurfWatch will continue doing on surfing beaches in SL, but will supplement those and the simple list of sims in the Surf Watch Wave Report in the sidebar to the right.

Sim Owner:
Group owned, Surfistas Del Diablo
Mama (el elephas)

Type of Region:

Wave type:
Maoli Tahiti

Loaner boards?
Yes, C-3 rezzer

Can you rez your own board and if so how (i.e., rez area, requires group membership):
This sim has open rezzing on the beach.  Anyone can rez their own board.

Group membership cost, if any:
Membership is not required to use the sim, but the group ownership of the sim is Surfistas Del Diablo, which is a private group

Special comments/instructions:
Entry to El Diablo is always at their information area on the side of a bluff.  Flying isn’t allowed, so you need to walk up to the top of the hill and walk down the stairs, take the hang glider, or just jump for dear life to reach the beach.


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