Custom Surfboard Designs - Interview with Sebastian Dangerfield

Submitted by Kantbe Thursday

In response to some recent inquiries for learning how to customize surfboards in Second Life, Surfwatch decided to look into it a little.  People have been modifying SSi Mod boards for years, and a number of the LSD boards allow for a lot of tweaking relative to the ride.  But the newest way to create a customized design for your surfboard is with the C&C Surfboard and Paint Applier available on Turtle Break in the Pipeline Surf Shop developed as a collaborative project by Cat Hunter (catalinahunter resident) and Cryptic (cryptic resident).

After talking with Cat, SurfWatch has reached out to the most prolific designer using her paint kit, Sebastian Dangerfield (genejeanie), for an interview to pick his brain a bit.

SW: Thank you for taking time to sit down for an interview, Sebastian. Let’s start with something easy.  How long have you been in Second Life?

SD:  Hmm.... not too long a little over a year...year and half I guess

SW:  Can you share with us what brought you to SL?

SD: sure...Basically curiosity...I had seen a documentary about it that cast such a negative light but it made me want to see for myself. I did see that side but also a very positive side to was a very one sided view point.

SW:  How did you happen upon surfing in SL?

SD:  Well, I surf in RL so naturally I went to all the beaches first.... I saw a girl, Lilly Maitland, surfing and asked her to teach me. We are still buddies to this day. It's very rare I'm coaxed away from the beaches when I'm in world now ;)

SW:  It must have been shortly after that when you got interested in making your own designs. How long have you been doing that?

SD: Well, I wanted to from day one.....but didn't have the know how...In RL, my boards are an extension of my personality and I don't buy "of the rack" so to speak......Same philosophy here........

It wasn't until maybe 5 months ago I stumbled onto Cat's kit [ed. Cat Hunter (catalinahunter resident)] and learned that it would do exactly what I wanted it to do...I love my boards I have from Shack Shapira, especially the one Persia Bravin bought me, but wanted to be able to express my quirks more through my boards and was so happy when I figured everything out.

SW:  I know you use the C&C Paint Applier for your designs now, have you designed anything for any other boards?

SD: not at the moment...kicking it around with Lillie....She the techie....I just make wisecracks. We'd like to shape a few more types to be available for sale like a fish, maybe a swallow tail design etc.

SW:  Several people have made designs for pre-mesh boards, like for a Mod version of an SSi.  There's a freely available template that can be used with Photoshop or Gimp.  Is there something similar for the C&C Paint Kit? 

SD: It does come with what you need, UV map, layers etc. that can get you a basic, "wrap"...Its really learning Photoshop [ed. or similar graphics editor] and how to position the layers...which ones to keep for final version to upload and which ones to toss.

SW: So it's been a bit of trial and error? Probably a lot of error for me... haha

SD: LOL, Understatement!  It was ALOT of trial and error, throwing darts blind folded....I thought Cat was going to hate me....I'm sure she ran every time she saw me log  *laughs*

SW: hahaha. .. too funny! She sure certainly seems to appreciate your work now.

SW: Do you have any other tips for making a design that you'd like to share without giving away your secret sauce?

SD: Well I was dedicated to figuring it out...and I love watching boards being shaped glassed and painted in RL....So I was going to make it work come hell or high water.  making templates to save is definitely your friend if you plan on making several...especially if you want to "outline" the rails...Doing that from scratch each time is a pain in the arse fer sure.

SW: I've heard you were planning on doing a class as part of Surf Camp, but had to cancel due to computer issues.  What kinds of things would you cover in a class?

SD: I was, definitely.....My laptop kicked the bucket where I had all my templates saved,,,Ugh!   I would have taught the basic process. I do give the option to teach everyone that does have me design a board for them though....Some take me up and some don’t want to deal with it so just continue to use me.

SW:  This paint system allows the no-mod board that’s included to be painted and at the same time, allows people like you to design custom paints that you can securely sell.  Are you doing that with your designs? If so, where can people see them for purchase?

SD: I do sell them...I do prefabs or customs.  I have a Flickr page....Right now is word of mouth so people hear and IM me.....Seems to be spreading pretty fast, I'm a little backed up but not too bad.  Cat and I are are talking about putting in a vendor for prefabs at Tortuga and one one Lille's sim, Coffee Creek.  

SW: Do you have any final words of wisdom you'd like to tell the readers?

SD: Don't give up on the kit....You can get there...If I can, a blindfolded chimp can do it..... If you do run into problems, come see me! :)

[Editor's Note:  Sebastian and SurfWatch are planning a demonstration class on the use of the paint kit.  If you're interested, please drop Sօʅʂէყ Kἶʂოεէ (solsty) an IM or notecard by October 2nd, 2017. You can check out Sebastian's Flickr page by clicking the link C-3 Board Paints to the right under Links We Like.]


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks AWESOME!!!