Thanks to Kantbe Thursday, this list takes you to a one-click link to all the surfing beaches in Second Life.
First stop: **THE BEACH**. On the LM, **THE BEACH** is described as an Adult Public Sandbox & Nude Beach. So sandboxes are always useful! And nude beach? Well, let's go have a look!
The tunes are pop: Seven Lions & Echos - Cold Skin. I landed right in the surfboard rez area offering me a test board - great for peeps new to the surf scene! And on top of that, a Surfboard Sale along with other things for sale like skins, swimsuits, etc.
Pretty deserted on my visit but it was a weekday and early SL morning. Someone left a jet ski just waiting to be revved and a pool ball.
There's a huge party deck for hanging out with friends and an upper deck with game tables. The shop KYXE Designs is on the sim for shopping so it seems a little overkill to have so many advertising boards marring the beach view.
There are some comfy beach chairs along the shoreline and a POMF wave made by Denise Foxtrot rolling into shore.
I rezzed my board but couldn't click it because of all the effect waves on top, so I bumped it out of the rez area and was able to sit on it but it seemed stuck in the current. I couldn't get it to move so I used the board rezzer and rezzed an LSD test board. The wave is short but it's a long run in so you can practice your turns.
My experience? It's a great spot to catch this wave and work on turns. It's probably a fun place to hang out with friends and maybe even to do a little shopping. Check it out for yourself and let us know your experience there!
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