SLSA Team Member Informal Survey - Part 1

Submitted by Kantbe Thursday

Prompted by some of the questions about teams being asked by people who are new to surfing in Second Life® and the SL Surfing Association (SLSA), Surfwatch recently conducted an informal survey of surfers who are currently registered as team members for teams who have had competitors in the SLSA competitions over the past year.  While individuals will not be identified by response, the nature of some responses may be a bit individually unique and suggest who provided that response.  For the most part, any edits to responses were kept to a minimum in order to provide anonymity to all.  (Editor's note:  This is part of a continuing series as SurfWatch posts the full survey questions and responses.)

SW: What does being on a surfing team mean to you?
Support. We all share what we have learned about how to surf in SL and we encourage each other to do better. We praise each other for our accomplishments and comfort each other over failures.

Adds another goal for the season i guess, and can push one to do better in a competition knowing their teammates are rooting for them, and counting on them.

Team Surfcrazy is a Surfcrazy Surf Shop sponsored team. Following tradition of RL sponsors, Surfcrazy supplies riders garments and surfboards. Other teams are more of a surf club. I enjoy being able to ride with friends and family, sponsor them as well. 

A chance to make friends, encourage on another.

Being associated with friends and getting tips, tricks, etc. that are exclusive to the team.

Being a part of something bigger then just logging into SL each day. Gives me a goal to try and reach. Practicing to achieve something and be ranked up with the best in SL.

Our team T'ai Ch'i Zen is one of the smaller teams.  Our focus on the harmony and joy of surfing together.  We are not really worried about points or rank as we are about being there for each other.

A community within the greater SL surfing community. A community of like minded individuals with shared values and an honest feeling of good-will and wanting the best for each other.

It's all fun! I like hanging out and talking to my other teammates. We all get along and encourage each other.  

Being a member of The ReefRiders means a  great deal to me, I'm a proud Reefie from the first time I got to wear the tag as a noob to S/L it gave me a sense of belonging and ambition to do my best ..for myself and my team

( like  freeboobing....extremely exciting) or  (pointless and stupid )

Being on Montego means a lot to me, but most important, it means my friends. Not to exclude other surfers, but at a point when the team almost split up, four of us, decided to just try another season, surfing as friends, for the fun, and that is most important.  

(Editor's note:  Stay tuned to SurfWatch for the next part of the SLSA Team Member Informal Survey!)

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