SurfWatch Historical Perspective - 2008

I hope you'll join me as we visit each year of SurfWatch from its start and hopefully share a smile at a remembered event, person, location. 

The first posting that I could locate is January of 2008 for a total of 172 postings for 2008.   Barchan Paderborn started SurfWatch as a resource for Second Life (SL) surfers, to share information about the community and post live competition results.  He covered the majority of postings with contributions by Socks Clawtooth and my first series of surfing interviews.

January 2008, Barchan's first post covered Vibration Surf Alliance (VSA) Surf Jam competition at Majini beach, with Oneill Auer coming out as the winner.  Barch started a Surf Report covering Bundoran Reef, and ran the very first SL Surfing 101 with basic information for new surfers.

February 2008, the SLSA opened the Hall of Fame (HoF).  TCH, an SL retailer at the time, launched a new longboard.  The Surf Report covered Chi which has endured thru the years of SL surfing, as well as Monkeh Barrel and Majini. The Surfing Calender made it's debut to keep the community informed of upcoming events.  Barch covered Action's board burning as the competition between board makers heated up.  The SLSA's Monkeh Barrel surf comp was postponed due to scheduling conflicts, but heats were posted, and finally results were posted with Pova Rustamova coming out ahead.  DeVinna Toll was interviewed as one of the most talented surfers on the scene.  Jaqueline Infinity was announced as the winner of a private Reaction Pro surfing team comp.  Analog Surf's new board designs were posted.

March 2008, Buffy Munro took a Surf Jam competition win.  Surfline Shortboard Pro comp was postponed as SL experienced grid lock down issues and competition officials had concerns about waves.  Nature Beach and Tsunami, as well as updates to Team Tsunami, were announced.  SLSA director results were posted, as well as competition date changes.  Poid Mahovlich introduced her new psychedelic boards.  We posted an in depth interview with Flynn Sheridan.  The Surf Report covered Black River Harbor.  Tavarua Beach also received a posting.  LollyPop Congrejo's line of beachwear was debuted.  Socks Clawtooth covered Surfing Life.  We got our first hint of the potential problems with Havok4 bringing changes to SL's physics code.  While most new surfers to SL remain oblivious of Havok4, it had a very major impact on the interaction between board and wave.

April 2008, Surf Jam was the first competition held post Havok4 with Buffy Munro taking another win, and a specific Havok4 surf report write up posted.  The Surfline comp was moved to Rezzable Discover sims to circumvent SL issues.  Abel Halderman was the winner of the Shortboard Pro, with heats and live results posting, as well as a new SLSA board ruling announcement.  Majini prepared to host the Secondreef Windsurfing competition, a joint Real Life (RL)/SL windsurfing competition.  An indepth interview with Sidewinder Linden regarding Havok4 posted, as well as an interview with Robin Coche.  Socks Clawtooth surfed naked, as only a furry can.  Pova Rustamova was still on top for 2008 Season 1.

May 2008, Cipriano Grut was announced with winner of the Secondreef Windsurfing competition.  Reaction Longboard epic heats and results, along with Surf Jam results, were posted.  Quench Spotter won at Neart.  SLSA elections were covered.  Two new surf spots opened at Bishara.  VW Sands and Heather Goodliffe (HG) were interviewed.  Heather Goodliffe announced her board update program to align the surfboards with Havok4 changes.  Broadwater Antilles was announced as joining forces to create a massive watersports development in SL.  The Surf Report covered Kahuna Beach.  Socks Clawtooth covered the struggles of noob surfing with the hilarious Lady in Red.

June 2008, live results were posted for the Thor Bishop Shortboard Pro. The Flynn Sherican Invitational cancer benefit competition raised L230,000.   Surf Jam results were posted as well as the Brazilian Surf Association (ABSSL) results.  Wilfrid DeCuir won the TCH Surfers open.  The Surf Report spotlighted Costa Rica, with Surf's Up covering Cornish Surf Beach and Boneyard.  Pova Rustamova was announced season 1 champion.  Socks Clawtooth rolled out his "Where the Hell is Socks" video.  Desirae Beaumont was interviewed after her win at El Corazon.  Surfline shut down.  Surfwidow Beaumont windsurfer boards were reviewed. 

July 2008, Surf City Classic posted results.  Surf City held the first SLSA event on a non-HG scripted board with the Rob John Noserider longboard.  TCH Surfers Open announced a new judging format and live results were posted.  A detailed piece on the requirements for a competition surfing sim posted.  The SLSA rolled out 2008 season 2 competition locations.  The SLSA also did a major overhaul of its constitution.  Shark surfboards were announced.  Socks Clawtooth posted his Rough Guide to SL Surfing which became the basis for SurfWatch's updated surfing and wave guide (see link at sidebar), kept current by Kantbe Thursday.  Surf's Up visited Sugar Beach.  Action Surf and Skate announced development of a new range of boards and waves and a search for volunteer beta testers.  Socks Clawtooth was interviewed.

August 2008, Pacific Coast Xtreme Tandem heats, team and results were posted.  The Cornish Classic Cup heats and live results posted.  Boneyard heats, lag concerns and live results posted.  TCH Surfers Open 2 live results were announced.  Surf Jam heats and results were announced, with Colleen Brennan taking first place.  Crab Island rolled out a new wave.  Wilfrid DeCuir was at the top for 2008 Season 2 champ.  The SLSA new consitution was voted in.  New SLSA team rules were announced.  The SLSA voted in new directors.  Analog Surf showcased Hawaiian classic boards.  A new surf  HUD enabling classic surfer poses while riding a board rolled out.  The new wing board was announced.   VW Sands and Lissa Pinion tied the knot at Wimbi.  Keala Mimistrobell was interviewed.  Socks questioned how many surfboards does one need in his Imelda Marcos comparison piece.

September 2008, three competitions happened in one weekend, with Surf Jam, Surf City Open and the Brazilian Surf competitions.  Heats and live reports from Morant Cays were posted. 

October 2008, Chi registrations and results posted.  Surf Jam posted.  Wilfrid DeCuir took a season champ lead.  One Track Mind, an RL surf film, debuted on FB.  Socks' Spot of the Week covered Nymphs Beach.  The SLSA ruled on new board scripts.  TCH Estates headed for a watery grave, with "for sale" postings on eBay.  Heliopolis closed down.  Sebastian Saramago was interviewed.  A board design contest was held.

November 2008, the Brazilian Surfing Association held an event.  Surf Jam posted a competition video.  Majini Longboard Epic posted.  Socks Spot of the Week covered Grandblue Bella, Moana'Ina Beach and Easthaven.  VW Sands did a write up of The Essence of Surf Jam.

December 2008 ended with year with weekend competition coverage and a write up by Socks of Southend. 

It was an exciting time for SL surfing - good natured competitions, the excitement of sharing SL surfing, new surf sims, surfing team spirit.  I was new to SL (born November 2007) when I first hit the beach and met Barch sitting in the lounge chairs at Majini.  Barchan talked to me about promoting SurfWatch at local events, and somehow it turned into a regular series of interviews of prominent people in SL surfing.  Even then, I felt it was important to document the history of SL surfing, and SurfWatch serves an important function in that regard.

What were you doing in SL in 2008?  Did you discover surfing?  Did you have an opportunity to catch a wave on some of those earliest surfing sims, or a surfing lesson with one of the pioneers of SL surfing?  If you have an SL surfing experience from back in 2008, please share it with us.

(For a more detailed look at specific postings, pictures and videos, scroll down the sidebar to the year and date of interest.)

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1 comment:

Lissa Pinion said...

Holy cow!!! What a busy year 2008 was and I was late coming in being born in May 2007. Where does the time go?