Information courtesy GiavannaMarie Melody

1. SLSA Sponsor New Additional Benefit

This Season SLSA Sponsors will receive a new benefit for their continued and generous support that allows us to keep running fun and successful competitions.
The SLSA is pleased to announce that SLSA Sponsors will now be able to direct-market to the entire (900 plus) SLSA group a number of times per month, based on their level of sponsorship as follows.
* Gold Sponsors twice per month
* Silver Sponsors once per month
* Bronze Sponsors once every 2 months
Messages will be submitted to the Sponsor Manager, who will then send them to the group using the SLSA's Postmaster Messaging Gadget. Messages can include a notecard, landmark, object, texture or any combination of these. The Postmaster system sends messages when people are online to ensure delivery, and each Sponsor Message will be queued for 24 hours, to target members coming on line, after 24 hours, the remaining unsent messages will be sent as offline messages.
Because the messages will be sent via the SLSA Sponsor Messaging system, members may choose to opt out of receiving messages; however, we would encourage all members to take the time to support our generous sponsors.
Messages will also be posted to the SLSA Facebook page and tweeted through the two SLSA Twitter Channels.

2. SLSA Booster Program, for Individual and Team Sponsors

In addition to our existing commercial sponsorship levels, Individuals and Teams are able to sponsor the SLSA season, with the new “SLSA Booster” program. The revenue from his stream of will be pooled, divided and donated evenly to the 5 surf venues that so generously, provide a place for all of us to enjoy surfing competition at their expense.
The INDIVIDUAL SLSA Booster Program will have 3 levels of Individual sponsorship
* Diamond 6000L per season, Diamond Dog tag, Name on Diamond Rotating Sponsor Panel on the Sim and on the Competition Stands.
* Ruby 3000L per season, Ruby Dog tag, Name on Ruby Rotating Sponsor Panel on the Sim and on the Competition Stands
* Emerald 1000L per season, Emerald Dog tag, Name on Emerald Rotating Sponsor Panel on the Sim and on the Competition Stands
Individuals will also receive a special recognition Tag in the SLSA Group.
Team Boosters are for SURF TEAMS they will be set at 5000L per Season and will have the Team Flag fly over the Spectators stands for the season. A plaque of recognition will also be given for display in the team's Clubhouse.

3. SLSA Sponsorship Levels

For the purposes of this document an event is one day of competition while a series is the two days of competition at the same sim (usually 2 Saturdays in a row within one month), and a season is all 5 series’ (5 months in a row.)

* It should be noted, that the number of competitions per series may be 1 or 2 depending on the number of competitors that register for the series. The first event in a series contingent upon more than 30 surfer registrations is known as the Open Competition. The second event in a series, which runs irrespective of registration numbers, is known as the Pro competition

3.1 “TITLE” Sponsorship

• Logo/name/Branding on rash guards (back)

• 3 1024×512 ratio banners placed throughout the event with ability to give out as many freebies or other objects, notes and Landmarks as you want per touch
• 6 x Additional double-sided square banners with shared 35 second rotation with other Gold level sponsors
• 3 Announcements from the DJ during the first event
• 4 Announcements from the DJ during the second event
• Placement of branding on the SLSA website as a clickable SLURL (www.surfslsa.org)
• Placement of branding on trophies for the event,
• 2 Messages for the month (with attachments) Direct marketed to the 900+ member group
Price for 1 season series = (2 competitions*): 5000 L

3.2 GOLD Sponsors

• 1 large square banner on the presentation deck which can give 1 Landmark, 1 Note card and 1 Object (freebie box) per touch. (Presentation deck gets most photo exposure),

• 6 additional large square double-sided banners providing rotating exposure of your brand shared by other gold sponsors in 35 second rotations,
• 2 Announcements from the DJ during the first event,
• 3 Announcements from the DJ during the second event,
• Placement of branding in the SLSA website Sponsor Page as a clickable URL or SLURL (www.surfslsa.org)
• Gold level season event sponsors will additionally get front page web site and rotating surfslsa.org forum exposure
• 2 Messages for each month (with attachments) Direct marketed to the 900+ member group
Currently available options:
3500 L per series (2 competitions* each series)
14000 L for all 5 series of the season (20% off)
11900 L for 4 series of the season (15% off)
9450 L for 3 series of the season (10% off)
6650 L for 2 series of the season (5% off)

3.3 SILVER Sponsors

• 1 fixed medium banner placed on the mid-level seating deck which can give 1 Landmark and 1 Note Card per touch,

• 6 additional medium square banners providing rotating exposure of your brand shared by other silver sponsors in 45 second rotations,
• 1 Announcements from DJ during the first event,
• 2 Announcements from DJ during the second event,
• Placement of branding in the SLSA website sponsor page as a clickable URL or SLURL (www.surfslsa.org)
• 1 Message for each month (with attachments) Direct marketed to the 900+ member group
Currently available options:
1800 L per series
7200 L for all 5 series of the season (20% off)
6120 L for 4 series of the season (15% off)
4860 L for 3 series of the season (10% off)
3420 L for 2 series of the season (5% off)

3.4 BRONZE Sponsors

• 1 fixed small Banner on the lower seating deck which can give 1 Landmark on click,

• 6 additional small square banners providing rotating exposure of your brand shared by other bronze sponsors in 60 second rotations,
• 1 Announcement from the DJ during the first event,
• 1 Announcement from the DJ during the second event,
• 1 Message every 2nd month (with attachments) Direct Marketed to the 900+ member group
Placement of branding in the SLSA website Sponsor Page as a clickable URL or SLURL (www.surfslsa.org)
Currently available options:
900 L per series
3600 L for all 5 series of the season (20% off)
3060 L for 4 series of the season (15% off)
2430 L for 3 series of the season (10% off)
1710 L for 2 series of the season (5% off)

For Sponsorships covering more than one series you can pay:

- The full amount up front
- Half before the 1st series of your sponsorship and half before the 2nd.
DJ Announcements must be written by the sponsor and submitted to the Event Coordinator for approval by the Wednesday prior to the event at noon. They should be approximately 30 seconds in length when read aloud, but not longer.
We also require a 512×512 texture for the Banner placement ads (and a 1024×512 texture for the title sponsor). The textures and all other sponsor items must have full perms in order to be placed on site or in the spectator stands givers.

4. Contact information

In case of any questions, requests or orders please don't hesitate to contact Giavannamarie Melody (Gia) - the SLSA Sponsor Liaison, or any of the other directors, that is: Figger Arun, Malrdul Morris, Sally LaSalle, Sunrize Mornington

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