SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Blinding%20Love/174/139/27
While out looking for a new sweet spot to share with you I literally ran outa gas at The Swell. I thought I'd just grab a beer and wait for a friend to bring me some gas when I walked out back and viola! There it was! Sunset waves rolling into the shore on this cold fall day. Put on your suits and grab your boards! There is a great campfire just up the hill to warm up by after a surf session and the beer on tap is always flowing.
SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bisous%20Island/176/230/23
All gassed up and ready to go, I didn't have to go far before I found this new sim. Biscous will look familiar to those of you who visited Zug as it's a Nash Laville creation so you can expect multiple waves running all the time and great tunes. Still plenty of places to snuggle up and hang out with good friends. Hint: fall off your board and check out below the wave line.
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