Posted with permission of Surf Festival Organizers
Hey Surfriders!
It is great pleasure that I am announcing the arrival of Surf Festival III California Dreaming July 23 - July 31st. The festival has always been tagged with the lines; A Celebration of SL Surfing and the SL Surfing Community and For Surfers by Surfers. Before I dive in the details of the events I would like to take a moment to acknowledge that never before have those 2 tag lines carried more meaning. The planning stages for the festival got a late start this year and was in grave danger of not being produced at all. At this time two members from the community paddled in and caught the wave for you guys. I would like to hand out a special thanks to Syx Toshi and Sunshin Zhangsun, so when they paddle into the line-up behind you, go on and give them your wave.
Ok so now on to the juicy stuff! This year the Fest is the biggest to date, covering both the Mahina Kai and Kapu Kai sims and usual the event is free (well almost the most you can pay is $L1 and usually a vendor limitation) This year Mickey and I wanted to pay tribute to the ever increasing convergence of RL Surfing and SL Surfing. They waves are better , the boards are better, but you guys, the SL Surfriders just could not get any better! We love to just hang out trading surfing stories and descriptions of our favorite breaks. Then it occurred to us, why not share one of our favorite Cali breaks with you guys. So we got busy and set about transforming both Mahina Kai and Kapu Kai into the World Famous C-Street (California Street) break in Mickey's home town of Ventura California!
Ventura or more accurately Buena Ventura means the Good Adventure and could not have been a better location to host the Surf Festival. There is the iconic California Street Holliday Inn (I admit I am terribly lame at directions and often resort to driving by landmarks, and this trusty building has led me to the break for years!) Aptly renamed on the sim as the Hollowday Inn this structure is home to a museum of SL Surfing History hosted by Syx Toshi.
The C-Street break in RL is amazing! The break is right hand and breaks off of Ventura Point at 'stables' the mouth of the Ventura River. On big days It rolls down the point ending up at the pier (which incidentally is the longest wooden pier in California.) The break easily averages 6 to 8 feet during the peak season and is host several competitions throughout the year. Not to disappoint this year the Surf Festival is hosting its first ever full competition The Surfcrazy Open.
As luck would have it overlooking the point is the Ventura County Fairgrounds and due to popular demand the Surf Festival Carnival has returned this year. Once again the festival is offering free exhibit booths each with a generous 30 prim allotment located in the Fair Ground Stables. Just to the south of the stables is the Exhibition Hall. Here you will find special exhibits by the sponsors of Surf Festival. All told this year we have the capacity for nearly 60 Exhibits!
On the south side of the 101 Ventura Freeway as you leave town is the Santa Barbara Muni Airport at Goleta. The airport features a Jet Helicopter Rezzer for arial tours and is the site for many of the larger events including this year's grand finale concert. This year the Surf Festival Staff is proud to present a Jimmy Buffet Tribute on July 31st at 3 PM SLT. This is something all Parrot Heads will not want to miss.
By all indications this is shaping up to be the best Festival we have ever had! At this time I would like to thank all those you have volunteered to help and those who have so generously sponsored the event. In closing I would like to remind everyone that this event is for entire SL Surf Community and the M class audience of Second Life. The one aspect of RL Surfing we will not condone is Localism type behavior. This is the one time a year that we can all get together and share the stoke. So when ya see that rival wave thrasher, maybe try buying them a breakfast burrito instead of throwing yours at them.
Important Information
If you would like information on becoming a Surf Festival Sponor (Please we can use all the help we can get and you get great perks too!) Contact our Sponsor Director Syx Toshi
If you would like information on becoming an Exhibitor please contact our Exhibits Director Sunshine Zhangsun
If you would like to put out posters on your location or post information on your blog or web site please contact our Communications Directors Colleen Brennan, VW Sands and Lissa Sands (lissa.pinion.)
If you would like to hold and event or sponsor an event please contact myself Revy Lunasea (revlon.benoir) or Mick Lunasea
For more information you can check http://www.mahinakaiisland.com
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