SurfWatch: How did you get started with pictures in SL?
Sunshine Zhangsun: I started taking snaps when I first came in to SL...loved to capture the colors, the scenes, and the creativity of others. That hasn't changed much, but one of my friends ages ago is more of an artist and pushed me to try more and more. I realized that I enjoyed capturing scenes most of all, and work at angles to make them more interesting. I also started using Photoshop and made it a goal to learn something new every week. This way I could enhance my captures and work at making them more inviting.
SW: Do you have a muse? What inspires you?
SZ: No muse... thought music sometimes might be considered that. I'm inspired by the creativity of others, by the beauty that people can create in SL, by natural surroundings, and just about anything creative. I've been blessed to have our sim as a huge scenic playground and with the changes we make, I rarely run out of a nice place to capture a quick shot.
SW: What advice can you give someone wanting to get started with taking pictures in SL?
SZ: Mostly having a good graphics card, and the ability to push your graphics settings up to the max is important. However, depending on your creativity, your ability to use photoshop or other graphics software and your willingness to play with the image you capture... to get started, you can just just hit that button called "snapshot" and get started. I'm more in to scenic shots, builds and themes...find what you like and just build from that.
SW: Any thing else you would like to share with our readers?
SZ: I opened my main gallery on Inspiration Cove on a whim. Walked out of the Coyote sim which has some awesome artist galleries into the next sim one day...and saw a storefront available. I then though... why not?!? So that was how my main Sol Existence Gallery came to be. I also have a small gallery in the Colonial Shopping District on the Old Costa Rica where I share a few of the same and a series of photos taken in Costa Rica sims. My gallery, my flickr and my blog are mostly to share locations that were awesome that might no longer exist; encourage others to visit new places; show off creations and just a chronicle of my Second Life.
To visit Sunshine's gallery and view her amazing work visit one of these locations:
If y'all haven't seen Bobbi's "Child's Play" works, they're still on display at The Eclipse Gallery . Great images.
Just put on some bug spray first. The ticks and chiggers are out. :-))
Thanks Surfwatch!!! I truly appreciate your interest... and I also thank you for re-posting this after Blogger got hungry and ate it the first time!! :))
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