Monkey Easter Egg Hunt

Happy Easter from Monkey Cove Island: one of Second Lifes most famous surfing spots with lots of different waves on 8 sims.

The Easter Eggs will be spread around Monkey Paw, Pelican Bay and Syx (main beach). The hunt will start on sunday, 24th of april, 1:00 PM SLT.

This hunt is promoted by the Monkeys - lead Monkey Syx Toshi included - & Cogito Ergo Sum - My Avatar Mind Blog:

Thanks to the sponsors, who filled more than 30 eggs with various prices like surfboards, outfits, Lindens, beach furniture, art works & more:

Surf Shop 6
Pray 4 surf
DW Surf Co (
OSD Gallery
SunSetz Beach

Have fun and don't forget to live, love and surf!


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1 comment:

Nadja Revnik said...

It's over 150 eggs by now....10 quality surf boards included! A special hunting card will be available at the starting point at SYX, Monkey Main Beach on sunday!