We were recently having a convo about Second Life (SL) situations and talking about SL etiquette - is there such a thing? You know, the kinds of things you run into in SL and are not sure of the proper way to handle. We'll be periodically posting these dilemmas and looking for genuinely constuctive feedback on your opinion. If you have a comment or a dilemma of your own, let us know and we'll add it to the list! And thank you to those of you that have sent us dilemmas to post - be sure to look for them in future segments!
How do you tell your friend who is IMing you that he just broke up with his GF and is devastated, that you are in the middle of wild SL sex and can't talk to them right now?
Tauri's Tidbits and Sticky Situations #13

1 comment:
I can honestly say you DO NOT type in the wrong box that is for sure! Not that I'VE ever done that but ya know...could be way embarassing
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