SLSA Candidates for Director Interviews

Note: Due to the December 1st elections not being a standard election, SurfWatch has agreed to publish the following interview which was received after the deadline for interviews.

Candidate Name: GiavannaMarie Melody

SW: You are currently ranked #? for last season's SLSA surf rankings and you've been SL surfing for more than ? years. We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What qualifications, skills, competencies, traits, etc. would you bring as a director and why are you running?

GM: I was not ranked for last season, due to my rl life. But I have been ranked in the top 20 for 2 seasons previously. I have been a part of the SLSA for approximately 2 years. The one thing I always felt was special to me was that Cip had a huge influence in developing me as a surfer. The passion he displayed was something that I cherished and wish to share with others. I am a great listener and communicator, which I believe is key in being a director with 5 other individuals. I am happy with the direction that SLSA is taking and feel that I had a small part in help taking this organization in its current direction. I have always been dedicated to the ongoing growth of SLSA.

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see related to SL surfing?

GM: I love the idea of having surfing 101 classes. This is something that I was pushing for during my previous term as Director. It has brought new talent into our organization. The new surfers that have joined has been refreshing to the SLSA. I think its important that we continue to develop and find new talent.

SW: What do you see as the top issues facing SL surfing and what would be your first priority?

GM: When I first came to the SLSA, it seemed our resources for surf competition sites were huge. Over the past season we have lost some of our cherished venues. It is imperative that we find a way to save our current sims and find a way to expand our choices.

SW: All the candidates are qualified - why should voters elect you over any other candidates?

GM: I think the other two candidates are very qualified. I don't believe that I am more qualified than them, in fact I see them as equals. They are two people that I look forward to work with and share ideas to help this great organization. However, I do feel that I bring some past experience to the table.

SW: What were you most satisfied with as an SLSA member last season? What were you most dissatisfied with?

GM: I am most satisfied with how smooth most of the competitions have been running. The time has been cut down drastically . I do however feel that we do need more sponsors to help with the costs of running the SLSA. This is one area I hope to improve on as Director

SW: Anything else you would like voters to know about you?

GM: I would love to let the voters know that I am 100% dedicated. I do feel that I have unfulfilled business since my last term. But things have progressed since then. The SLSA is a huge part of my rl and sl life. I am looking forward to serving the community with the current board members as well as my other two candidates. Thank you

Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2010 and possible issues moving into Season 1 of 2011:

1. With so many full surf sims gone or having to reformat how they are used, what, if anything, can the SLSA do to help sim owners and riders who will now be relying much more heavily on Homestead sims for comps?

GM: I believe we have to pull our resources. Awareness also is key. We have lost a few great sims already. Looking for more sponsorship is one thing that can be very beneficial to helping our organization preserve our current sims. We need to explore new options and I feel that the next board administration has the talent to find solutions to this issue.

2. With low competition registrations, do you feel the two comp format still required?

GM: Although the two comp format is a great idea...I think it could be done in one competition. But I do not appose to having a mini comp riders that are not in the top 20, but not having that every month. This will allow them to gain the experience of a full competition.

3. What are your general thoughts concerning what makes comp legal board scripts and mods?

GM: I always thought that having mod boards is a good thing...but we need to regulate what can be used. I think it is in fairness to the other riders. I believe that we have lost some of our top riders to this issue.

4. Do you believe that team rankings should continue and what is the impact on camaraderie in SL surfing?

GM: I don't see anything wrong with team rankings. As far as camaraderie is concerned, I feel it has improved over last season.

5. Any particular issues you feel are not being addressed that you want to do something about?

GM: Save our surf sims and expand our community


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