SLSA Candidates for Director Interviews

SurfWatch conducts these in-depth interviews to help voters get a clear picture of the candidates that are running for the Board and gives candidates an opportunity to introduce themselves to the voters. Although this is not a standard election, we feel it is still important for the SLSA membership to know about the candidates and their thoughts. All three candidates were sent the same interview and two have responded. See their interviews below. GiavannaMarie Melody is the only candidate to not respond. Interviews are posted in the order they were received. Voting opens on December 1st. Stay tuned for more details!

Candidate Name: Robbin Ember

SW: You are currently ranked:
RE: I think around ten or so, but oops I don't want to mess it up, that is my goal for this season.

SW: for last season's SLSA surf rankings:
RE: I am not sure, but I was way up there, I mean like way up in the numbers, not good.

SW: and you've been SL surfing for more than:
: two years, I think.

We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What qualifications, skills, competencies, traits, etc. would you bring as a director and why are you running?

RE: My most important quality, I think, is my compassion, my desire and ability to listen, and then incorporate what I see and hear into a cogent idea that resolves the issue or, if not, explains the reason. I am running for the board because I feel an obligation to do my part in helping my friends. I know the time and effort that it takes, and I want to repay those who have done so and now do so.

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see related to SL surfing?

RE: The largest improvements that I see are twofold. First, and most important, is to continue to try to help bring our community back together. I noticed so many members sort of drop out of the organization, in the past, for a lot of reasons, and this season, I have seen some come back, I am thrilled to see some old wounds mend. This, along with all of the great new surfers that have competed this season, I am more enthused about our group. In this regard, I believe that we can also make our organization more open to the other surfing organizations here in SL. I remember at the beginning of this season, or some months ago, a great gathering/party at Tsunami that got all of our groups together, from the US, to Europe, to Asia, to (what is it Mick Jagger shouts on David Bowie's version of Dancing in the Streets) South America...It was a great gathering and I think needs to be repeated more often.

Second, I agree with an idea that VW Sands had a while back about consolidating our financial resources to maintain our current sims. We need to make sure that we preserve what we have and/or help out individual sim owners. However, I realize that the formula is fairly tricky, i.e. who gets what and for what reason, but we have to start somewhere.

SW: What do you see as the top issues facing SL surfing and what would be your first priority?

RE: As I said above, my first priority is to mend old wounds and encourage new participation. We have been blessed this season with some great performances by some great new surfers. Combined with bringing some people back, wow...We can do it, you know. And being open to other organizations. We already have great boards and great waves, I think that now we need to remember why and with who we want to share it. Also we need to consolidate our financial resources to keep great sims going and perserve what we already have.

SW: All the candidates are qualified - why should voters elect you over any other candidates?

RE: As I have said in the past, I am not so certain that they should. I am not techinically talented and not the brightest or most analytical, but I work pretty hard, am determined, and, oh yeah, I have a heart.

SW: What were you most satisfied with as an SLSA member last season? What were you most dissatisfied with?

RE: As I said this season I was most satisfied in seeing a lot of new, and great, surfers join and hopefully enjoy, while also seeing some great old friends come back. Likewise, I was most disappointed in seeing some great surfers not involved this past season.

SW: Anything else you would like voters to know about you?

RE: I don't think so, I believe that everyone knows me and what I am like. Well I included, a new look photo. But being serious again, it is like the group of friends that I surf with, Sun, Mal and Bodhi, we agreed to stay together as a team to have fun, because we liked each other and felt a certain bond, and I just believe that this organization needs that type of focus at this time.

Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2010 and possible issues moving into Season 1 of 2011:

1. With so many full surf sims gone or having to reformat how they are used, what, if anything, can the SLSA do to help sim owners and riders who will now be relying much more heavily on Homestead sims for comps?

RE: Running a surfing sim takes a lot of finances, and I definitely believe that we need to consolidate resources. When Majini went down, my first reaction was to try to start a new sim and then another, and I learned. Instead of more sims we need to preserve and promote what we have and then maybe build from there. VW had an idea long ago about consolidating resources and I believe that this might be a new area we can get into. Start with a fund to help the sim owners who need help, and also keep our own SLSA sim going. I believe that we already have a fund for that, but we need it, and more to help owners in trouble. This would also leave a possible option of renting a full sim when in need. As I said above, the formula is tricky, but we have to start somewhere.

2. With low competition registrations, do you feel the two comp format still required?

RE: This has been a reoccurring question in my mind too. I was on the board when we changed the format, and, in fact, was a surfer that was, at first, not allowed to register for a comp because within a couple of hours forty people had already registered. The change was needed then, and I hope that it is needed in the future, but I don't think that we need it now, at least not for that reason. I do like seeing the additional event, though, it brings new life, new surfers, and wow so much confidence. Just look at how some of the new, and yes, even old surfers, including myself, have done after being in the finals of the first week. That is good, but we have to weigh it with the resources required. I think that if registrations stay below forty or around there, we might want to keep the format for two events a season and not for the rest. Then keep it as a safety net if we blow the lid off on an event.

3. What are your general thoughts concerning what makes comp legal board scripts and mods?

RE: I like standard comp boards, I mean, everyone surfs the same board, available at the beach. I think that is most fair.

4. Do you believe that team rankings should continue and what is the impact on camaderie in SL surfing?

RE: I like the team rankings, as I said before, my teammates are very important to me. They are my closest friends and I just hope that I help them, as much as they help me. And you know I feel very close to almost every surfing team. In fact I find team riders the most encouraging.

5. Any particular issues you feel are not being addressed that you want to do something about?

RE: Not really, I think that you all asked about everything. Well, one thing, I am listening to this great song, and it really makes me think...Martha Davis and the Motels, Only the Lonely...I love this song, but please don't let it happen here...please...and, love you Stephy...take care everyone, Robbin.

Candidate Name: Coolkat Delicioso

SW: You are currently ranked 12th for last season's SLSA surf rankings and you've been SL surfing for more than a year. We understand you have announced your intent to run for SLSA Director this term. What qualifications, skills, competencies, traits, etc. would you bring as a director and why are you running?

CD: mmm.. I hold no pretenses to my skills here, this will be the first time I have done such a thing in SL. but I do have rl experience in group management and fund-raising. I love SL surfing, and the whole family feeling that goes with it, so to be given the opportunity to serve my fellow surfers, I'm going to jump at it. Okay, I'm still a relative noob compared to some of you old farts..hehe but I'm willing to try and help push the SLSA forward in a positive way, and try and build on what we already have.

SW: What areas of improvement do you currently see related to SL surfing?

CD: The areas of improvement that I currently see are faster, smoother run comps and a happier vibe all round.

SW: What do you see as the top issues facing SL surfing and what would be your first priority?

CD: I see the top issues facing SL surfing to be funding, and the loss of surfing sims. Not only do we lose a sim, we sadly lose a part of our whole social environment. First priority would be to explore through positive discussion, different ways of tackling these problems, as this seems to be a reoccurring theme.

SW: All the candidates are qualified - why should voters elect you over any other candidates?

CD: I think I would bring a good vibe to the board. I would never say I'm better than him/her. I hope I am more of a diplomat than a lying politician.

SW: What were you most satisfied with as an SLSA member last season? What were you most dissatisfied with?

CD: I was most satisfied with myself, in finishing top 20!! hehehe.. no, really..I was most satisfied with the waves, the vibe, DJ Dan, the fun, and the general feeling that ran through everyone, it's been awesome this past season. Dissatisfied? Harsh word..never dissatisfied,.. obviously disappointed, we lost Mori : (

SW: Anything else you would like voters to know about you?

CD: I hate bullies, drama, people on power trips, sycophants, empty glasses and bs. I love life, music, dancing, having fun, and happy, helpful, friendly people. Oh, and never ending sl tequila, wacky hair and outfits..

Give us a brief statement or opinion on some of the major issues the SLSA faced in 2010 and possible issues moving into Season 1 of 2011:

CD: There are always going to be issues having to be addressed by the SLSA each season. Funding seems to be the theme that reoccurs each season, be it SLSA or sim funding.

1. With so many full surf sims gone or having to reformat how they are used, what, if anything, can the SLSA do to help sim owners and riders who will now be relying much more heavily on Homestead sims for comps?

CD: Keeping surfers aware of situations like this is always going to be a priority for me. The sooner people understand, the quicker the can respond. So any kind of information regarding this kind of situation, relayed the SLSA will be passed on to the surfer and sim owners as soon as it is available.

2. With low competition registrations, do you feel the two comp format still required?

CD: Yes I should raise more funds, bring more people in, plus we get to party two weekends in a row!!.Yay!

3. What are your general thoughts concerning what makes comp legal board scripts and mods?

CD: Personally, I think if the script/board is legal and the board is modifiable, I feel you should do what you like with it, as long as it is within the length specified for the comp. You could surf a car bonnet for all I care! hehehe That said, I do like it when we all use the same non mod board too, its more of a level playing field so to speak.

4. Do you believe that team rankings should continue and what is the impact on camaraderie in SL surfing?

CD: Yep! Team rankings should continue..The impact of camaraderie?..*Throws a bucket of water over Q and hides behind Triston!!..hehe

5. Any particular issues you feel are not being addressed that you want to do something about?

CD: Well yes, the loss of our surf sims. We're still losing them.

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