Mari's Mailbag: Seasons Change

submitted by Marianna Monentes

Fall is fast approaching and feel change is in the air. Holidays will soon be upon us, with so many who cannot make schedules in SL because of family obligations. Its now time to take pause and realize our work loads will increase some and those you rely on may not fulfill obligations as before. So surfing more is the prescription to cure what will be time spent waiting for work to be completed. Instead of worrying about when will this or that get done just dust off that board and check out all the new beaches that spring up. Visit the loved beaches such as Mori Pwani before they are just a memory. Teach new people you meet everything you have learned about surfing mentor whenever you see the opportunity. I often hear praise about greats such as Bobbi Laval who take the time to teach old trix to new surfers and they have grown to be awesome too. Thank you Bobbi its awesome to see your work is paying off!! Lets get out there guys and make a positive difference in our community.

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