Kantbe Wednesday Sometimes

submitted by Kantbe Thursday

The Second Life Surfing Association (SLSA) Big Wednesday Surfing Comp Classes have been pretty darned popular. So popular, in fact, that some are having to be held on different days. It has been suggested by someone (who shall remain anonymous) that they now be called the SLSA Big Kantbe Wednesday Surfing Comp Classes.

For those of you who haven't heard about them, Mick Lunasea has been having classes at the SLSA's sim, Archipelago, to help people know what to expect before and during competitions. Mick's classes usually take about 1.5 hours and answers those universal questions like:

How the heck do I find out when and where competitions are held?
You mean I have to register? How do I do that?
I have to PRACTICE? What should I do?
GEESUS! There are judges? I didn't do anything wrong! What are they for?
What else do you guys do during a competition?

Wow! All this and it's free. The SLSA only asks that if you find the class or any activities at Archipelago valuable or fun that you toss a Linden or two into the donation bins on the beach. I think they mean Linden dollars, but I've not been able to confirm that yet.

If you're interested in these classes and other activities of the SLSA, keep an eye out for notices, forum posts, Upcoming Events on the SLSA's website. Heck, you can even do an inworld Events Search for SLSA.


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